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Posts posted by Moose83

  1. Freeocen Celebration Session VII / Hardware-Reaktor-Reloaded 2.0 Session

    BRRRRRR again its getting really cold on Freeocen and Hardware-Reaktor-Reloaded 2.0 :D



    And thats why we arranging again an Session, like we do every Year. This year we will do an Session together with our befriend Team :)

    Its about time to come again together, celebrate the next year with all old friends and new friends. But this year, we want to make this a bit bigger, and all Benchers and People, also from outside Germany are welcome!


    The Session will be from 27th to 29th June in the near of der8auer :D

    We found and really nice location, where we have enough place for 30-40 people, there is also an kitchen, beer can be cool down, and also there is an second room for the tired guys that need some rest :P


    The Plan is to have allmost 2000l of LN2 there :nana:

    For all benchers and visitors will be some coasts for LN2 and eat and drink. How much we have to wait, it depends on how much people are coming!

    But we expect the same coasts, we had the last 2 years and they should be arround 120 Euro. Aquatuning will again take part of some of the LN2 :D


    Also there will be prieces for the benchers, what exactly we dont tell now :D

    We hope to have a nice time there and motivate a lot of benchers to have fun with us, we dont bite :P How to get the prieces and what prieces we have, we will show later.


    Nice again to meet all friends, and hopefully many new friends from outside Germany! We hope to get that room full of crazy benchers :D


    To plan the exact coasts, we start this threat, everyone who wants to come, have to do this and wrote here till 15.04.2014.

    After this date all People will receive PN of me with the banc account. The date for payment close is the 30.04.2014.


    This is the exact adress:




    Benchers confirmed:


    Moose83+dernettemann (Freeocen/Award) payed

    Bullshooter+BlackCobra (Hardware-Reaktor-Reloaded 2.0) payed

    Sn@ke+andR (Freeocen) payed

    Sergmann (Freeocen) payed

    Leeghoofd (Madshrimps Belgien) payed

    Oldscareface (Madshrimps Belgien) payed

    der8auer+Crazzzy85 (PCGHX)

    BeefSupreme (Hardware-Reaktor-Reloaded 2.0) payed

    C43Z42 (PCGHX) payed

    TrueMonkey (PCGHX) payed

    Michel90 (Ocaholic Schweiz) payed

    Wizerty (Klan OC Frankreich) payed

    dx4picco (Klan OC Frankreich) payed

    Dancop (HWluxx)

    DopeLex (Freeocen) has to clear with his boss





    Jumper0( Ln2 slave) (Freeocen)

    DrTank (Klan OC France)



    Threats running here:


    Freeocen: http://freeocen.de/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=9775

    Hardware-Reaktor-Reloaded 2.0: http://www.hardwarereaktor-reloaded.de/i…sheim/?pageNo=1

    PCGHX: http://extreme.pcgameshardware.de/bench-…tml#post6295019

    Ocaholic: http://www.ocaholic.ch/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=4961

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