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Everything posted by pilot_

  1. Hi, question: if i disable cores in my cpu, is a valid score for te second stage?
  2. EVGA Z75 SLI thanks!
  3. pilot_

    The Fail

    i burnt out my 3960x ES, after a while only 3cores were ussefull BEFORE DE REVIEW , kill a DFI p45 mobo by flashing a custommade bios made by me... last time i tried anything of bios editing broke a GTX 480 ligthning.. from te top of my head so far
  4. i'd love a 6.0ghz+ for 3d, mi 3770k didn't even boot at 5.7 under ln2
  5. sure:
  6. that... it's not in the database, just GTX 650
  7. yea i tried that but it does not show any options for that i saw that you once "I just deleted the team_block entry in our database. The user should now be able to join again " could you that too?
  8. long time ago i banned a memeber, he is goint to rejoin, how i can do that? this is my team: http://hwbot.org/team/madboxpc.com/ best regards!
  9. and also after i created the teams, i couldn't use the same name again, so i was wondering if you could delete this teams. MadBoxpc.com B MadBoxpc.com Cantera
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