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Everything posted by Mat_Agnesi

  1. very bad and very strange that this mainboard does not support RAID 0....
  2. What voltage for 1066 8-9-8-30 ? I have the 8Gbyte kit. (4x2Gb)
  3. The VGA Card also has: VGPU digital Mod via VID(With Jumpers) and PWM Frequency MOD (With trimmer)
  4. This VGA has suffered extensive DAMAGE all over the GPU's VRM Phases.... with many burned mosfets. I Repair the Card by adding an add-in card with new VRM Module. I Place some mosfets on the black add-in card with the heatsink on the back, and some other on the original place. The cars is ok now, work very well. Now it has only 2 Phases now but I use high performance mosfets by International rectifier to make it, and after a fine PWM frequency tuning and some capacitor change, it also support overclocking up to 970MHz !
  5. With the PCI-e Extension cable, I can make a 2 way CFX/SLI setup with a huge 3 slots space between cards, (I'm Using a very long CFX Cable) or I can make a 3 way CFX/SLI
  6. Mainboard does not have official support for 3-way SLI/CFX, but it works and works incredible well with these 3 gpu ! Very smooth, without stuttering, and Never hang up during tests. After All benchmarks the max TEMP is only 59° on VGA #2 (The VGA on the middle). GPU Core freq can be raised more, but to do this I need to volt mod the VGA 3#. (It's the only unmodded card and does not support software voltage control!) P.S. Why MSI put only one CFX connector on the 5770 ?
  7. If you see the picture you notice that there is also another Card in the case, a dedicated hi-fi PCI Audio Card on the top of the case Connected by PCI to PCI-Ex Adapter, and by a small PCI-ex 1x Extension Cable to the last free slot of the motherboard, the Black PCI-e 1x SLOT.
  8. 3-Way Crossfire on micro ATX Board by using a PCI-E 16X Extension Cable. The 3 cards stay very cool even at over 1GHz GPU Clock.. Thanks to Andrix for Aquamark Optimization
  9. mettendo SSD in raid si fanno score elevati ?
  10. Thanks! I've improved my previous score (108k) by raising overclock on the two VGA GPU(1080MHz), and a strange thing: enabling HTT, enabling all the 4 Core, and with less CPU frequency than previous. Very strange that I've got more points on 3dmark03 with less CPU Frequency and HTT Enabled... But I've runned the bench three times. With only 2 Core active, no HTT, and 200 more MHZ on the CPU, I score 109.5k.
  11. Very good score. that bench seems to benefit a lot from a very fast SSD drive
  12. moddando la VGA in teoria si potrebbe salire un altro pò.. via software l'overvolt massimo è 1,350v
  13. This VGA is from one of my friend !
  14. Thanks Very bad that the ambient temperature during this test is about 24° degree... The 5770 with the custom heat will do more, with a low ambient temp.
  15. The Maximus Gene V has a more powerful VRM, however the G1.Sniper with his simple VRM seems to OC very well. Easily push my Air Cooled 2600K to it's limit (My 2600k has his limit at around 5.3GHz, or less if you use all the 4 Core) Seems that the little Sniper can handle more, if I put a better CPU and better Cooling system. I've tried 3 different LGA1155 motherboard, and this little one seems to OC very easy !
  16. My new Customized PC, build in progress.
  17. Thanks Andrix. I've got the help of a Very Low ambient temperature. My Computer's Room has a ambient temp of only 3°
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