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ilusindo's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thx beep, need a lot of time to find how to tweak GeForce IGP
  2. ups... wrong picture here is right http://postimage.org/image/vl8uaquov/
  3. Now you rebench with very amazing efficiency. UCbench supertweak is in your hands .
  4. ha3.. u don't need to oc to win this stage, but i want to see your maximum score, please
  5. Ups sorry, I compare with another GTX 460... YES this is buggy
  6. newbie ask.. Phenom II X4 940 <<< it's K8 or K10 family?
  7. It's very not fair if Q6xxx meet E6xxx in UCbench. In SuperPi E6xxx still can compete with Q6xxx . But it's ok, let's hunting Q6600 G0 SLACR . It's mean Q8xxx allowed too for stage Core 2 8000 series... right?
  8. uppppss.. I think E6500, E8200, E5200 etc can submit together . Thx Massman. It's mean rule number one is : Use 2 processor core(s) in total with different code name.
  9. What's wrong with my ucbench submission, why can not enter Indonesia's score? http://hwbot.org/submission/2224989_ilusindo_ucbench_2011_pentium_e5200_2.5ghz_434.4_mpt_score
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