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Everything posted by gigioracing

  1. you have a good card. 184 bus in slot ! my BF6 can t not voltage to the ram, even if the BIOS can be changed 175 bus approximately max Be6-II is broken...
  2. limited by motherboard ,next run BF6 and 2.8v pin mod
  3. 478 with high end audio... LOL
  4. MB Brand : BONA MB Model : Intel i440BX http://valid.canardpc.com/hn30y8 Delta mp2-bx-x http://valid.canardpc.com/pvqv85
  5. new mobo MB Brand : ECS MB Model : i440LX ---------- ECS P6LX-A+ http://valid.canardpc.com/l5eagb the mobo is this... http://reviews.cnet.com/motherboards/ecs-p6lx-a-motherboard/4505-3049_7-30158472.html
  6. For frequency >2000 with tualatin needed ln2 or dry ice my celeron 1300 sl6 Wr frequency do 2100 with SS rotary
  7. non e restato piu niente del portatile fra poco...
  8. The max Vcore of asrock extreme6 is 2v ? I have a low cost asrock 1.75max
  9. P3 with Ihs is good For ln2 pot. My 1000eb do 1650 with SS
  10. asus oxford.... http://valid.canardpc.com/45qqzu
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