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  1. For this achivement need to be use 25 different cards made by ATI/AMD. But i saw that counts only old ATI card and the last card is HD5xxx. The AMD HD6xxx and HD7xxx doesent count. Is this right? I think that if the AMD stay in the title mus count all cards buil by AMD (including build in CPU). Other option is split AMD from ATI and make a new category only for AMD.
  2. In SC1: 1M Challenge competition 2002: Thoroughbred All processors allowed and in SC2: 3DMark03 Single GPU Historical Battle 2002: Northwood vs. Thoroughbred (Nvidia GeForce 4 series, ATI Radeon 9000 series family) AMD: All processors allowed In this stages only Thoroughbred allowed or we may use Palomino, Thorton, Barton and Duron
  3. In datebase have 2 motherbords with this name. And when submit result you must choose between two equal names. I think that must stay only one.
  4. I dont have a submission on futuremark sait. I only have a sceenshot. I leave the field for this url clear. If that verification is no more require I think that not be happen.
  5. OCZ Reaper X 4GB (2x2GB) 1000 and 4GB (2x2GB) OCZ XTC Platinium 1066
  6. I try to submit result in Vantage stage without verification link but ... * A verification link is required. - your submission does not comply to this rule Verification url must match pattern: http://3dmark.com/3dmv/[0-9=?]*
  7. Massman. I left with the inpression that you plan to remove requirement of verification link of all the stages. But i still see it. Are you remove or not?
  8. I dont comment to use a different componets is good idea or not. I think that in this configuration the form is incomplete. And this is make a database (and harware library) poor. If i have OCZ Reaper X and OCZ XTC Platinium which of them i enter ... the both work at same speed and same timing?
  9. How to describe the system whit different videocards, different RAM and more then one HDD? If i have a 2 x ATI card in CrossFire and 1 x nvidia for PhysX how to add a nvidia card when in form not an additional field? If i select 2 cards this is means that both the same. And if someone use a different cart to buid a CrossFire? The same situation to the RAM ... if i use in the same time two different brand how to describe this in the form?
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