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  1. Thanks for the tip, but it didn't work
  2. I recently acquired myself an Asus M6E, after having trouble of getting decent performance on XP with the Z87X-OC. Now I'm getting some nice results in XP, but there is one issue. Whenever SLI is enabled (in this case GTX570's) when I open GPU-Z the mouse becomes very unresponsive and after a while I get either a BSOD, or the display driver crashes. Until now I've tried to re-install Windows XP, tried 2 different version of GPU-Z (0.7.7 and 0.7.3) and tried a few different drivers to no avail. Anyone experience something like this before? What should I do? I did some benching tonight and used MSI AB and the NV Inspector for my validation screenshots. Was the only thing I could come up with..
  3. Thanks for the advice. Had already switched my PSC for Samsungs which didn't work. However I also have some BBSE lying around, so I popped that in and what do you know? First it wouldn't boot, so I switched the stick to the slot closest to the CPU. After that it booted up and stated that the main bios was corrupted and that it would recover using the backup bios. So now it's back to bios F3. I'm flashing it back to X02 now.... And I have my multipliers again !
  4. Tried X04, removing the battery and leaving it out for 5 minutes and also tried reseating the CPU.. All to no avail.
  5. I'm having a weird problem with my board. I can't select a multiplier higher than 39 anymore. Was running 5.3-5.4 GHz with 2400C8 PSC mem. Tried running 2600C8, did a few 3Dmark CPU tests and then got a blue screen. After that the board went into a boot loop and after resetting everything I was able to get back into the bios again. I tried loading one of my profiles, and on clicking 'load profile' the bios froze and the board rebooted. Then I tried to manually put my settings back, however upon trying to change the CPU multiplier I can't select one higher than 39x. See pic: Anyone experience this problem before and knows a solution? I tried to flash to bios F6, max multi 39x, then flashed back to X02, still max multi was 39x .
  6. CPU test is at 5300 MHz and indeed.. More CPU power is always good. Running on XP would also help, but I haven't managed to get the efficiency right.
  7. On this page http://hwbot.org/competition/ekwb_contest/ the rules say Nature must be sub 899.9 FPS for C2D / C2Q But here http://hwbot.org/competition/ekwb_contest/stage/895_bonus_stage:_3dmark2001se_core_2_duo/ it says the limit is 999.9 FPS. Which one is it?
  8. I've done some testing on the LOD too. The scores seemed to get better as I set the LOD higher (GTX 460 768MB and 560 Ti). Only problem is that the newer drivers don't allow me to run the GPU's over 1GHz.. So when going cold the driver/LOD tweak is kind of useless. Is there a workaround for this problem?
  9. 6970 watercooled + 6950 unlocked on stock cooling
  10. Thanks. I'm still tweaking the ram to get as much physics points as possible, as the gain in score has to come from there. The 6970 is doing very good already and there's not much more to be had on H20. Maybe I need to try 50*104MHz for some extra mem bandwith (which seems to increase Physics score by quite a bit in this benchmark).
  11. Si si, very nice indeed . Binnenkort nog een keertje opnieuw doen en kijken of de bclk dan misschien 0.01 hoger is ofzo. Zou toch weer 3 plaatsjes schelen.
  12. Ik betwijfel het. Waarschijnlijk helpt een Clean OS meer. Deze install is al redelijk vervuild. Was die score van jou puur op clocks? Of had je ook nog wat tweaks gedaan ?
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