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Posts posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Take it gently with her, don't want to push too much with her in case you use up all the AMPs on your 12V rail ;) I think the biggest problem is actually the OS you're running on along with the driver you're using. If you used XP and an earlier driver like the 91.47 driver :) Finally are there any voltage options with MSI afterburner at all??? Thinking that is quite a low overclock for the GPU. But I do of course realize your just getting to grips with the GPU and I wouldn't want to push you. Just offering a tip :)

  2. Yeah basically. TPP did not move originally either and richba5tard added them again, but over time they all dissapeared again. (Nearly all). Really appreaciate you looking into this btw. Anything else you need to know from me then feel free to ask :)

    Edit: basically the same problem as marsey99 had :)

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