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Everything posted by whiteoverclock

  1. Phenom X2 555 with no option to select the number of cores ... super pi WPrime etc. ranking have a choice ..... but to send the results have not .... .. Help http://hwbot.org/submission/2177632_...be_10sec_490ms I am Brazilian PT-BR Help
  2. Phenom X2 555 with no option to select the number of cores ... super pi WPrime etc. ranking have a choice ..... but to send the results have not .... .. Help http://hwbot.org/submission/2177632_...be_10sec_490ms I am Brazilian PT-BR Help
  3. phenom II X2 555 without option to select number of cores ranking have a choice ..... but the result has no shipping .. Help http://hwbot.org/submission/2177632_...be_10sec_490ms sou brasileiro PT BR help massman
  4. phenom II X2 555 without option to select number of cores ranking have a choice ..... but the result has no shipping .. Help http://hwbot.org/submission/2177632_whiteoverclock_wprime_32m_phenom_ii_x2_555_be_10sec_490ms sou brasileiro PT BR
  5. phenom II X2 555 without option to select number of cores ranking have a choice ..... but the result has no shipping .. Help sou brasileiro PT BR
  6. no option to select how many cores are unlocked..... If I delete the moderation ask ....... REv 4 no option to select number of core
  7. nao to conseguindo colocar meu resultado........ desculpem por est erro... PT-BR
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