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Newbie (1/14)



  1. my mistake, i have no link. i see your point, no res. in screen shot. i'm an idiot, however i did rerun it, only 5 points less. sorry to touble you w/this. how did i lose 20 points
  2. what happened to my points and submitted scores today, how did i lose 20 points and 50 places. also why delete 9800gx2 06 score?
  3. why are you showing me ranked 295 w/30229 points, a lower score. did i fill something out wrong?
  4. how come no points for dual card 8800GTX in 3DM05 on my submission 30419. it is my highest dual card score on 3DM05.
  5. tiborrr i agree! by the time i have access to the latest gear, they(the top benchers) have next gen gear. so all we get is to see their scores and try to play catch-up w/ last gen gear.
  6. i think i've submitted proof enough to have my score 30052/3dm05 accepted. respectfully, yozuri
  7. not to be arrogant in any way, but i think you should have to have points to be on a team, you should be contributing to your team and not weighing them and HWBOT down. it has to be a huge undertaking just to keep the BOT running. not to discourage anyone to not oc, but use the info you get on this (the best ocing site in the world) to get to where you get the 0.1 hwboint and help your team out, a team is about teamwork.
  8. Vince nice to see you back in the game. can't wait to see the rest of the scores show up! jeff
  9. G.SKILL Cheap,fast,reliable and very overclockable. DDR2
  10. isn't chispy the one who doesn't know the difference between single and dual card setups
  11. thank you for fixing moonmans wPrime 32m from 19 sec to 19sec 700ms as his screenshot shows.
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