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Everything posted by IceFire

  1. @Mr.DB! hatman test mikonam, intel hd ham azyat mikone bclk midam fr mire bala !
  2. dash saeed balaye 5 nemire ! too oon frq ham ram ham javab nemide ! (
  3. Tnx will try xp... i think it depens on cpu to get more !
  4. alan kharejia mian gir midan validation required for top hall of fame !
  5. this picture is from your sabertooth ?
  6. yes ! i deleted this submission and now i dont understant why it's still here !
  7. great ! now i think cpu overklocking up to 5 GHz is not necessary for overclocking gpu !
  8. Hi Pixy Good job man can i ask the batch number of this crazy 2500k ?
  9. How did you say that man >? you can see the size of my DIMMs! It's 4096
  10. Hey Tapakah... Nice job What's the batch ?
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