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Everything posted by mtzki

  1. That's the case for a MP14FB SS. But not the only model coming north.
  2. OCTF is getting some dedicated weaponry.
  3. Hell no, not even in the condition to do that. http://koti.mbnet.fi/boble76/TEAM_SKOOTTERIT/3-5.2.2006/004.jpg Finnish way of tuning the OCers first.
  4. First post updated.
  5. Congratulations! So alpha754293 is using a quadsocket Opty system?
  6. Welcome! The team welcoming section was changed to the team discussions area. There's not much traffic in the forum and few teams responded to the automatically sent email. I guess we forgot to make changes to the email.
  7. Great work Massman! Just one thing though. You may have to check the blocked scores again due to the bug that shows the external image url (screenshot) only if there is also a verification url. Sorry. If you copy the image url to the verification field then both will show up.
  8. For reporting a big bunch of wrongly matched results and providing good explanations for them. We appreciate it.
  9. Now there's a small introduction of the team in the first post. We are leading cpu-z!
  10. Finnish OCers here. Founded in 5/2006. We've got the coldest ambients. Team stats: http://www.hwbot.org/teamInfo.do?teamId=1289 (Benching myself for this team. The name was changed, it was Muropaketti before.)
  11. When doing collaborative benchmarking with teammates, it is not allowed to submit a single run for many user accounts. Please use only one of the existing accounts or make a shared account for the subteam.
  12. Many of them got blocked, including the entire previous top 20. Wrong program versions and/or wrong ways to run them. The accepted versions of the benchmarks in hwbot can be found from the first forum posts of the ranking threads. With the pifast package comes a bat-file and the program should be run with that. Users updating online must search the instructions from some other team's forums for now. Sorry for the confusion. We are planning on making some hwbot benchmarking instructions to website later.
  13. The halls of fame should be clean now. We intend to keep them that way. Sorry for so many pifast scores getting blocked.
  14. We do understand the reasons behind FM removing Conroe/Merom results from ORB. hwbot decidedly uses the other route. Many of the Conroe and Merom entries now have broken verification links. hwbot makes an exception to its new moderation procedures and will not be blocking these. We hope that from now on submissions with unreleased hw include screenshot verification links.
  15. So please use the links. Easier for everyone.
  16. hwbot is starting manual cleaning of the entries. Biggest problems are bad or missing verification links, missing CF/SLI checks and incorrect hw matching. This result moderation will be done in a hierarchial fashion with halls of fame having highest priority and other results getting cleaning less regularly. We always check a result if someone asks for it with the 'report suspicious entry' link. We try to fix the faulty entries if possible. Blocking is the last resort. As it happens, the better a result is, the bigger chance it has to get inspected and modified. Please understand that if an entry gets blocked it very very rarely if ever means it was considered a fake by a hwbot moderator. The most common reason for blocking is a malfunctioning or missing verification link. hwbot usually accepts (welcomes ) results done with unreleased prototype hw. Please include a screenshot verification with such submissions as e.g. ORB entries may get removed. If you have replied to an hwbot topic, and wish to alter or delete your result afterwards, you have two options: - modify your old forum post: either correct the mistake, or remove the "); var _hwbcss = "http://hwbot.org/css/style.external.custom.css"; var _hwb = _hwb || []; _hwb.push(['type= score - system ']); _hwb.push(['params=%2$s']); _hwb.push([_hwbtarget]); (function() { var hwbex = document.createElement('script'); hwbex.type = 'text/javascript'; hwbex.async = true; hwbex.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://') + 'hwbot.org/js/exf2.js'; var s = document.getElementById(_hwbtarget); s.parentNode.insertBefore(hwbex, s); })(); tag from the post to get the result deleted. Than, go to the first page of the topic, and click the 'update ranking now' link in the first post. This will redirect you to a page which gives you the choice to update the last page of the ranking, or the whole topic. Choose whole topic. Your result will be modified or deleted after the scan is completed. - create an account at http://www.hwbot.org. After registering, click 'my fora'. Authenticate at the fora where you have submitted results. After you have authenticated a certain login and password, all recorded and future entries of this user will be coupled to your hwbot login. Click 'my results' to view a list and edit the results. If an hwbot moderator has modified your entry, usually the second option above is the only way for yourself to further alter it. This forum section provides info on hwbot result moderation. Any questions, comments and ideas regarding this are also welcome.
  17. Hi. It would be great to get a 'my team' section to the 'Navigation' panel of the front page. Currently it is a bit awkward to find e.g. the top ten results for one's team in a ranking: 'search results' -> choose ranking -> choose team -> check 'only show highest score per user'. The teams that do not use a bot have no other means for doing this. This new section could contain e.g. the following functions: * show my team --- shows the 'Team Info' page * team members --- the view one gets from 'search members' -> 'by team' * team rankings --- Here one would first see team's position and result in every ranking and by choosing a ranking one would see the top 10 results from which the team result is averaged from. * new members and results --- e.g. shows the last 5 joined members and last 10 submitted results for the team ++ possibly some functions moved here from other sections like 'configure my team' BR, mtzki
  18. mtzki


  19. mtzki


    Hi! Could it be possible to have also 8M in Super PI? There is definitely some space between 1M and 32M. I know at least some Muropaketti members would like this a lot. BR, mtzki
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