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  1. @Gorillakos I am new to the team(age 14) but I totally agree with you. I can't understand why there is sooooooo much hate between the Hot-OOS ! +9999999999999999999999999999999 sould we start a vote?
  2. if I upload many scores from my cpu in my account, only the highest counts?
  3. I think that most users here are honest, but some of them may not be!
  4. Yeah, but let's say that all of the results are posted to your account, what's the difference?(at your example) Question:I can't post multiple results of one session ONLY if I bench with others? I think that you should reconsider and update the rule, beacause, as mariosalice said, anyone can say that he bought the hw from a previous user. Or that it was a coincidence.(having the same hardware) You have no accurate way to verify that the results came from different hw. Let's open a thread abou this and propose ideas
  5. Why can't I lend my cpu to others?(my team) I cant understand!(why is that rule?) Question:I can't post multiple results of one session ONLY if I bench with others? Let's say that I bench with my friend, with HIS hardware.(according to the rules, the results should be uploaded to his account) But if we both agree that the results are published to my account? Why should'nt I upload them? In conclusion why don't you allow hw sharing?
  6. @Massman Please can you clear out the curent rules for hardware sharing&team benching (with examples)? please :-)
  7. if the owner of the videocard has no problem the results being uploaded to the bencher's account then why should there be a rule against it?I think you should alter that rule.can't I use some of my teamate's hw, overclock it and post the results on my account? or I have to post the results to the owner of the hw? waht's the difference exactly?and you can't know if someone have bought the hw from another teammate!Again I think that you should reconsider the rule ;-) But let's Wait for Hipro's response :-) Peace
  8. are you sayng that they shared the hardware or that they benched together and they posted the score on all 3 accounts? i still can't understand
  9. You have a good point. but HOW can you prove that some people have used the same cpu's for benching?If you don't allow teams to bench together and share the hardware then why do you have the teams?
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