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  1. Well, if he did not go below 0C... but those cases are definitely for the mods to ask for further proof - like the video you were mentioning... Have you tried your modded HD4850 with the rad dropped in a bucket of icy water? That would be still above 0C...
  2. I've had that sensation too... yet it is a recurring question... - that's why it would be nice to have an official statement from the HWBOT staff...
  3. He-he, now you will need to get a chiller...
  4. As I said before, I agree too! Now who should we invite to this thread, who should we talk to? Who can make this change?
  5. Obviously wasn't… at least not more than the original idea about compressors…
  6. Yeah, but from the ambient to dew point they can get some nice headroom...
  7. Cool! At least we two have a consensus... now let's see about others...
  8. By "all or nothing" you mean to allow chillers which can go below zero too? Hm... actually why not?! If we're looking to compensate for the cold climate... - then the criteria could be more about need of insulating the gear or not... DICE, SS, Cascade, LN2, Liquid He all need insulation - and they should belong to the OC and Pro Leagues... air and water of any temp could go to Enthusiast League.. Then it would be simple... do not need control of the temps - insulation, pots, water - blocks can be easily seen on the pictures... And where is suspicion about the actual cooling, mods could request a video... So, what are the thoughts about these?
  9. So then, Mr. Scott, do not segregate by temp but do segregate based on having a compressor or not - even if you know that the respective compressor won't go below sub-zero? Unfortunately cheaters exists - I can not do anything about that… For me all this benchmarking is for fun, it is my hobby, and as such it does not worth to manipulate pictures or thermometers… - I assume that it is the same way for everyone, or at least I want to believe so… My point is to allow water chillers which won't go below sub-zero for the Enthusiast League in order to compensate for geographical discrepancies (different weather conditions). That's all…
  10. Exactly! If you go sub-zero you most likely will need to insulate your gear - so, that will be seen on the photos... Obviously, at very cold climates you can just simply place your gear outside and no need of insulation - but that will be seen on your location and whether conditions... Or just introduce an additional requirement: place a thermometer on your gear...
  11. Yes, Dart, it is about of the source of cold - and that's what I'm saying that is wrong… I think, it would be a more objective criteria to go on the "result" of the cooling solution...
  12. Come on, Christian - based on that logic DICE and LN2 would be in the Enthusiast League... since they do not need a compressor... As I mentioned in the PM, the criteria can not be made/changed around sub-zero/above-zero?
  13. I'm talking about these type of chillers: http://www.hailea.com/e-hailea/product1/hc-100a.htm You won't go sub-zero with them...
  14. I think, if you can not go sub-zero with a chiller (like the Hailea ones), then it should be accepted for the Enthusiast League. It is simple water cooling, no insulation on the gear is necessary if you're aware of the dew point. If you ban these type of chillers, then you create an unfair situation between those members in very cold climates and those in sub- or tropical climates. If it would be on me, I would change the Enthusiast League criteria of "ambient" to "above 0C"... but let's see other opinions too...
  15. You've got PM...
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