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Posts posted by Alex@ro

  1. Hey folks,


    Up for sale are some kits i purchased in my attempt to pass 100 kits mark and not go broke in the process. Mint condition,one stick had ihs removed for G.Skill WC Qualifier,sticked it back,it is not noticeable but you never know at RMA....


    1. 4133 F4-4133C19D-16GTZA


    Good kit,one of my backups from last year,does 4133 12 11 11 tight 2.02V for all benches(geekbench,xtu) and 4080 12-11-11 Wazza with 1.99-2V with cpu on air. Certainly will go further when cpu is cold.


    2. 4266 Trident-z RGB


    Prize from G.Skill for participation in WC2016 ,plugged for checking functionality,4000 12 12 12 failed and i did not do any more testing but XMP is ok and works. No idea what to do with it, hence it goes for sale.


    3. 3733 C17 Trident-Z A kit left while attempting to grab all stock before websmile did :D Random kit, goes really well with Ryzen tough, compatibility is great and i did close to 3750 12-11 11 on Crosshair,3550 memtest C14 also worked easy.


    4. 3600 C16 Trident-Z Random kit,your average B-die clocker.


    5.3600 C16 Trident-Z random kit,one stick was opened for Gskill WC2017 Qualif,did 4850 validation .





    1. SOLD

    2. 200E

    3. SOLD

    4. SOLD

    5. SOLD


    Shipping in EU is included!!!


    Prices are to be paid in bank account or paypal and buyer takes care of fees. All items were tested for functionality before posting this,i expect no issues on buyer side either.



  2. Hey guys,


    Up for sale my gem 7700K.


    Pristine condition,not even a mhz degraded,die in perfect shape.


    Cpu is not maxxed out,will do 7000 hwbotprime loop after loop,7020 doable,6920 R11.5 also possible,xtu close to 6800. Pifast almost finishes 7170 but crash after itinerations every time,not tested this with Venom si ...who knows :)


    Alex@ro`s XTU score: 2338 marks with a Core i7 7700K


    Alex@ro`s Cinebench - R11.5 score: 16.87 points with a Core i7 7700K


    Alex@ro`s PiFast score: 8sec 830ms with a Core i7 7700K


    No CB or CBB with RSVDD switch,runs with very low auxiliary voltages and extremely easy to bench.Buyer will get required profile and tips to maxx-out.


    This cpu is NOT a reject from Hazzan,it comes from personal effort and hunt,i can't buy bulk quantities and the right batch from Intel but i do have the persistence of a mad man.


    The legacy's should be a walk in the park , i did 7070-7100 aquamakr quite easy in win 8.1.


    Normally you may ask why am i selling this. The reasons are that i need to buy Taiwan ticket for Gskill WC and secondly i have no motivation to bench and push anything after some certain events that made me hit the ceiling of futile attemts . Fun is good but having some food for mouth is even better.


    Price is 2000E shipped ,paypal or bank is ok,buyer takes care of potential fees.



    • Like 1
  3. Thanks for the quick answer, while i appreciate it, i would like to know why you and those guys who thanked you for the post think like that?


    Is it like those high MHz binned kits are just good in doing the clock, but are bad in timing tweaking, even at lower clocks, or is it another reason?


    In addition there is a trident z 3600 cl 15 kit, this would be good too, instead a cl 17 or 16 kit, right?


    I mean if i invest in new sticks, i don't care if it costs 20 bucks more or less...


    Tested 4266 rgb,failed to train 4000 12 12 12 1.85-2V. Also latest 4266 were worser on tight timings compared to 3600c16. Latest 3733 c17 and 3600c15 again were worser,1707 serial week,1701 on pcb,644 week on IC.


    On the average from 5 sets of 3600C16 i had way better average than on 7 sets of 4266.Not to mention that 4266 i had 3 kits with one module DOA.


    It is what it is , i binned over 100 kits overall and i have 3 modules super good,found about 6 GOOD(4133 12 11 11 Spi 32M wazza) and about 10 4000-4040 which is in my book average.


    My advice would be to get a few kits of 3600 17-18-18 or 16 16 16 NON-RGB and keep the best,return the rest.


    Sorry to be the deal-breaker for the RGB but the different PCB makes handling a bunny, for instance lots of 55 codes at reboot or cold-startup at the same time when they were memtest-stable,this is PCB to blaim,might be additional noise caused by the leds or motherboards that are not perfect tuned for this.


    I stated my own experience , you can believe me or not,this is opinion based as i said 100 kits of b-die G.skill retail tested,completely waste of cash ,time and resources . While you might see other "retail" kits 4200+ superpi stable, you know unicorns do not exist and real-life experience is so harsh :)

  4. 1. No i did not say that,i said that today legacy's are much more dependent on cpu power than in past

    2. No,,this was a misranking done since there was no Mars category.

    3. Yeap,if it wasn't added 10 years ago why do you even bother with it? Srsly,who cares? Better focus on improving present and future,you will end up with a 100% accurate database but 0 users....

  5. I am struggling for days in writing a post here but i just can't help myself.


    Tehnically,if GTX295 and Mars were released a few days ago and hwbot decided to include them into the database it would had been fair to make separate categories and that's all.Because if they were released a few days ago the cpu's were at same performance level and the additional ROP's and shaders will clearly make a difference.


    However nowdays such a decision makes non-sense. Clearly anyone benching those cards for hwpoints know that a huge deal of the score is now made by the cpu clock....


    So tehnically,this decision was made just to prove that while tehnically correct,the database admin gives absolutely no duck about stability of hwpoints or work involved.


    We , overclockers are people just like other 99% of people try to achieve stability in personal life and goals.Therefore if we struggle for some hardware points in a god forgotten overclocking database we do it because we know hardware points are more stable than global, when you hit a golden vga or cpu there are big chanches that you will keep those hardware points a long time or even forever.


    So , this decision is not fair to the ones that did struggle to get these rare cards for the hwpoints the category GTX295 has because it is made after a fucking decade,not because it is not tehnically fair....


    Let's do this the legal way, in justice you know there is a term of prescription,when the illegalities you did in the past are forgotten and erased.


    Let's consider the people that bought Asus Mars GTX295 as thieves of hardware-points.Basically they stole the points from the innocent buyers of regular GTX295. But after this time,their infraction has been prescribed therefore they keep the hwpoints and no sanction such as depossesion of hardware points shall be applied. Q.E.D


    Do actions like this in the future and you will see overclockers leaving hwbot faster than you would ever imagine....

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