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Everything posted by Mysticial

  1. I've just uploaded a new version (v0.9.1.61) that will output the datafile and the full error message when a submission fails. If it fails again, please send me the following files: (zip them up and attach here) error-response.txt error-datafile.hwbot Validation - Pi - 25,000,000.txt (or whatever you ran) Hopefully that will be enough for me to figure out what the hell went wrong. Unfortunately, that's the best I can do since I've been unable to repro the error on any of my own machines. (Btw, the datafile is encrypted. But it's being sent unencrypted to HWBOT since I can't get that to work.)
  2. Thanks. Since this is happening with more than one person and HWBOT.org is stable atm, then it's a problem with the app itself. I'll push out an update (hopefully tonight) that will log the datafile and error message that HWBOT sends back.
  3. Ugh... I tested this thing on at least 4 different computers before I felt confident enough it would work. I'm unable to reproduce it locally, but HWBOT.org is intermittently timing out. (not sure if that's in any way relevant) How consistently are you getting that error? Is 100%, what about on other machines? As of right now, there's no way for me to debug it unless I have it output both the datafile and the server-sent error message. (Btw, I'm willing to share the source code of the submitter app with HWBOT if that makes anything easier.)
  4. I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with the y-cruncher Multi-Threaded Pi Program. It's been around for quite a while now (since 2009). In short, it's a program that computes Pi and other constants to billions/trillions of digits. It currently holds the world record for the most digits of Pi ever computed (13.3 trillion digits) as well as a bunch of other less popular constants. y-cruncher is also the first Pi computing program that can: Use multiple threads for a worthwhile (sometimes linear) speedup. Use (and stress) an unlimited amount of memory. Utilize ISA extensions (SSE, AVX, etc...) for nearly all modern processors. There has been some hope that it could be a SuperPi/PiFast alternative. But that never really happened. Over the years, I've been asked numerous times why this program never became part of HWBOT. In fact, I've had many chats with Massman. But none of them really got anywhere until recently. Also, the fact that the program lacks a GUI didn't really help either. And to be fair, y-cruncher was designed as a math program with one purpose in mind - to break size records. Competitive benchmarking and user-friendliness was always secondary. Official XtremeSystems thread here. (Though it's been a while since I've updated it.) ----- Anyways. It took about a week of work, but I've thrown together an app complete with a GUI that can run and submit y-cruncher benchmarks to HWBOT. This app is called the "y-cruncher HWBOT Submitter". It's written in Java and requires the Java 8 runtime to run. (y-cruncher itself has no requirements other than Windows Vista or later.) For now, I've only enabled 3 benchmarks for HWBOT: Pi - 25 million digits Pi - 1 billion digits Pi - 10 billion digits The 25m benchmark will go under a few seconds for modern hardware. That's too fast, so we'll probably drop that at some point. The only reason it exists in the first place is because it's fast and easy to test. The 1b benchmark is the standard size. It requires about 5 GB of ram to run and will take a few minutes to run for most high-end systems. The 10b benchmark will require 48 GB of ram. That basically implies a minimum of Skylake, Haswell-E, or some server. If you don't have enough memory, it's possible to run it using swap mode. But that's more complicated to setup and will be slower than doing it all in memory. How does it work? Anyone who's familiar with y-cruncher will know that it outputs a validation file at the end of every computation. The submitter app is a runnable .jar file that you can put in the y-cruncher folder. When you run it, it automatically searches out all the validation files and verifies the checksums in them. The ones that are valid and match a supported HWBOT size are available for submission to HWBOT. The submitter app is a wrapper on top of y-cruncher itself. No changes to y-cruncher were needed for this to happen. And quite frankly, I designed it this way so that I could keep all the Java networking/GUI separate from the 300,000 lines of ugly C++ that is y-cruncher. Download: Current y-cruncher version: Current HWBOT submitter version: y-cruncher v0.7.7 with HWBOT Submitter Version Support: The submitter app: Supports all validation files generated by y-cruncher v0.6.1 - v0.7.7. So you can retroactively submit old benchmarks if you still have the validation files for them. Supports benchmark integration with y-cruncher v0.6.6 - v0.7.7. Despite being written in Java, the submitter app does not run in Linux (at least I couldn't get it to run). But at the very least, validation files generated in Linux can still be submitted to HWBOT if you transfer it to Windows and run the submitter app there. I have yet to figure out why it's broken in Linux, but it seems to involve the JavaFX library. In any case, even if someone does manage get it to run, the benchmark integration will still be broken since it uses Windows-specific command-line parameters to launch y-cruncher. Version History: Main Page: http://www.numberworld.org/y-cruncher/version_history_ui.html
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