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Everything posted by MaJ0r

  1. wow. sick score with this video! Congrats
  2. seems you forgot to enable all threads )
  3. Result is looking strange if it compare with other
  4. Mad, you're lucky. Keep alive it!
  5. Congrats, very strong chip. How much cpus did you test?
  6. Seems version 2.25 is a secret for ordinary overclockers. I couldn't find it
  7. Do you meant Riva 2.24c or I miss something? Where can I find RivaTuner 2.25? Thanks in advanceP.S. Congrats, as always excellent work!
  8. Does anybody can fix theese bugs: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1065910_maj0r_wprime_1024m_sempron_145_13min_4sec_468ms http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1065909_maj0r_wprime_32m_sempron_145_23sec_468ms?tab=info When somebody post wrong results my global position changed down in wprime32/1024. I always do recalculate, but it not always help. I lose global points and places in hwbot ranking Correct places should be 2nd wprime 32 single core and 3rd wprime 1024. Thanks in advance.
  9. Wow, Congrats! I thought you forgot AMD ))
  10. I think it problem with some chip(I've had same trouble with Elpida Hyper).
  11. Congrats! I see you know more wprime tweaks then I )
  12. Wow, great score and efficiency. Which board did you use? Max validation?
  13. Wow Congrats! I tried 7 2600K, first was better 5540MHz - max. Now my board is dead (
  14. 3DMark 01 and WinXP x64 Sounds strange
  15. Nice result and RAM. Is your based on Elpida Hyper chips?
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