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    Hoboken, NJ

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  1. As the title says, I'm looking to pick up an EVBot for my K|NGP|N collection. Thanks in advance!
  2. Thanks, I thought I tried that and was still running into an error. Maybe my score was accepted. I knew it wasn't going to be in the top 5 but I'd still like to participate.
  3. Hello, I've tried to submit a Port Royal Score for Stage 1 and I'm receiving this error... "This submission was made with an Engineering Sample or unreleased hardware" Why is this happening? I'm not using either an ES or unreleased hardware?
  4. Good day HWBot! I’m on the hunt for a 9900KS or better than average bin 9900K to pair with my EVGA Z390 Dark. This will be the chip that introduces me to XOC/LN2 and I’d like to find a descent one. I’ve been playing the 9900K lottery and “bin” through several garbage chips. I was told to stop by here and inquire. Thanks for looking! I'm excited to be a part of this community. -Spin
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