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Everything posted by Predator

  1. thanks man :celebration: yeah pretty much the same here, someone should pay us for benching huh?
  2. you guys better start asap :D:D
  3. still you need to have a bunch of very good results to have a 4000+ places rise though
  4. Not only him , we all at OCX are back at hwbot you can read it here http://www.ocxtreme.org/forumenus/showthread.php?t=1852 saludos!
  5. yeah orb would be fine, add that to the other ideas and it could be something, i wish i had the skill i would code it myself
  6. yeah thanks for the reply Troman though i would like to ask you if you could please not mention names nor calling che**** to anyone , let's keep this clean in order to a solution for all of us then if a program such a super pi implements that soft, and also a cpuz id is required, even if it's needed to remain open during the super pi execution, to code a little better the checksum then it would be safer enough at least the super pi? this would be imho a nice step in the community OC competition saludos
  7. Troman, what's an insanity timer? would would that work? i would like to know what the hwbot crew thinks about this, if this works it might help with lately decisions taken...
  8. Hello gents, i was wondering if someone could just contact Fugger and ask for this petition, let the hwbot crew to code a Super Pi 1.6 version in which a Cpu-z or something would be required to gather the system user info, so that cheats wouldn't be possible and no one would need to suspect about other users scores anymore if it's needed that the cpu-z must be opened while the super pi is being done then so be it, it will be for all the same and this would be a good step for trusted results and no longer cheating accusations what do you think gents? saludos!
  9. absolutly sir you can count on it thanks a lot for understanding , and makes me quite happy you agree some of my ideas your new suggestions sounds pretty good aswell , looking forward to see the "new" algorithm revision saludos!!
  10. We will get close to XS again i can guarantee you that , and yep it would be more fun if 5 teams would be fighting for the #1 , but what can be done for that? plus , and sorry if i repeat myself too much in this , that would bring the deserved credit the top ten benchmark rankings should have IMO thanks for understanding my POV mate saludos!!
  11. and i agree on that , but you might not catch my point as i wanted to mean (sure due to my crappy English tough) i know everyone cannot afford to bench the ultimate hardware , but if you think about it that has his merit too , at least and i tell you my case and i'm sure it's the same with the most of OCers around the globe , i'm not rich , i have average salary , average work , and i am not rich!! , so i spent my bucks in my favorite hobby , and maybe a few more than needed to help the team or group i'm devoted to , so i could be saving 2k instead buying a pair of 8800gtx and a cascade and take my GF for a trip , so i'm either risking my bucks punishing my hardware to the limits and my own life cause you know GF's and money you spend anyway that's not the point , some of you guys mentioned that more points for the "top" teams would make the Gap wider with th rest of teams , but think about this , does it matter?? , i mean , if one team is spotted in 1st and 2nd positions of the becnhmarks rankings , that's obviously cause their members have very good results and that causes more points , so the team that is placed at #10 in the hwboints ranking will hardly have got the chance to catch XtremeSystems , now figure that a bunch of the best OCers change teams and go to that #10 team , then they can catch XS , what i try to mean is that those bonus points i suggest are not goping to set a difference , what's the matter if the 1st team is 1000 points better than you or 1200? , the difference between teams will remain the same , BUT , if you want to see a titanic fight between XS and OCX , then allow those bonus points , cause when we get close again to XS those points will make a very fierce battle at the top , so the top ten will gain interest , hwbot will gain interest . and the battle at the top of the list will be more exciting than ever can you imagine XS and OCX close in points and the legend overclockers as Kinpin and OPPAINTER fighting in the top scores to cut 100 points? , cause that would be 50 points that a team gains plus 50 that the rival loose and the rest of teams will remain the same , those additional points are related and in proportion to top hwboints scorers , but will give more intense to the competition IMO and more credit to the Top Overclocks towards the old-hard benchs that's my 2 cents there saludos1
  12. @jmke , my idea was not to make the larges teams to get more gap or diference wth the rest of teams , but giving more credit to the top ten scores than the old hard benchs , i think get #1 in Super Pi IE as a team has his merit , at least what RB suggested is more accurate than currently , a bonus for the 1st would make the battle much more interesting IMO , if not the top tens will got lost vs the hwboints rankings , it's great and funny as i said to bench old hard , but IMO is "unfair" that your team gets 2k more points than other only cause their members has the whole collect of radeons since 9200 , it should be a very much larger difference between getting 1st with a X1900XTX than a Matrox there are way too much of different hard pieces , so the current hwboints benefits much more to a team with a lot of members and a bazillion of different parts than a team that gets a nice 1 spot at PCMark or wPrime
  13. Hello gents , i was having an idea that i would like to shre with you guys i know how the hwboints are gained and i think it's a very very good equation based , so i wouldn't change a single thing about that , i know the hwboints in a team are the total hwboints achieved by their whole member list and that's ok too , altough , i would like to suggest the possibility of another way for a team to get points , and that would be based in the Team Benchmark Rankings my idea consists in adding points to a team by the posistion Ranked in each Benchmark Category , these points would count as a team effort and not would be individual hwboints , in example , let's say the 3DMark 05 Ranking the current would be like this then here it could be like 50 points for the first , 40 for the 2nd , 30 for the 3rd , and so on , just like the top 5 global results in the hwboints calculation , but for teams why i suggest this? , mainly 2 reasons 1) that would encourage the top ten rankings in the benchmarks , in fact that is what is monitored in the forums and till the hwboints ranking showed up this was the only and first feature of hwbot 2) this would give more importance to the "hardest" overclocks , i mean , it's real funny to bench all the "old-hard" and get 2 ponits here and there with those graphic cards you had forgotten in a draw , but i think the real competition should be more focused in the top scores and performance , this feature IMHO would bring even more tight competition to the scene and would put the Top Ten Team Benchmark Rankings in the rule it deserves (again in my opinion ) so , basing in the weight of every Team Benchmark ranking , the same equation as the hwboints calculation could be used , a "x" number of points by the posisiotn in the Ranking * the application weight , that would add points to the Team , only as team Points i hope you guys can at least think about it you're doing an excellent work there Predator , OCX Staff
  14. sure mate , thanks for the heads up
  15. Hi gents so how about the idea? any news or updates? saludos
  16. Oh no no , i didn't want to mean that , if the hwboints are added with the overal rankings it would be much more better , i was meaning that the first idea was to have a ranking based in the apps like before the hwboints shown up , but if you guys add the hwboints aswell it would be awesome saludos from Spain and OCX
  17. exactly mate , well at least that's my idea it would be the same as the team app rankings , but a ranking/list per country registered , i may be asking for so much i don't know but it would be great in my opinion , i think the site would gain a lot of new submissions and mebers the results can even be taken from the "nomrla" scores of every team/forum ranking , and who does not be apart of a team can submitt the results manually and enter into the rankings , either the actual used and the virtual "National Rankings" regards
  18. Just to explain my point i'm member and moderator of OCX , i would be submitting results for OCX , but as i'm Spanish i would be ranked in the National Ranking Leagues if needed , can be submitting same result either for the global rankings of Teams , and the National Ranking if it's less work to do for the hwbot masters , see that i have no idea of how the hwbot code works
  19. Wow guys you're fast , i'm so glad that you like the idea i think that a ranking per country based in everyone's nationalty option choose at profile would be the best i mean not the hwboints , menaning the app rankings , IE , the National Rankings: Portugal Spain France and so on , and when one of them is clicked you see the rankings at super pi , super pi 32m 3DMarks.. etc , etc would this be too much hard or too much work? (i'm asking this cause i really don't have idea ) regards
  20. Hi all , don't know if this is the right place to post my question i have been thinking , how about a new feature that consists in listing the top scores of each country? , this could be called the National League that way every country would have their own rankings listed , and i think this could bring more members to encourage to join the hwbot community i think , every registered memebr could fill a new field in his registering log or an option in his profiel to indicate his nacionality then another subranking could be created with the top scores in each country , the competition would improve and it would be a lot of interesting for example at Sapin that is where i live , there are some forums that has their own rankings , but i think the interest would increase if there is a place where this would be much more organized , like hwbot , i could post in every important OC forum at Spain , and i think there's a lot of people at Europe that would like this idea let me know what you think gents thanks and best regards from OCX
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