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Everything posted by Predator

  1. i know i was waiting for the 580 SOC for jointing some cold as pronto as possible , but maybe these will suffer first
  2. no fair at all but that's the way it is i guess if they're handpicking people they shouldn't call it "qualifications", at least we have the real competition with GoOC
  3. Thanks Dino it seems i will have to re-bench it though, it was blocked because no screenshot but why my previous 196k score is gone as well?
  4. First time news i have from this, in Spain there ain't been no qualifyngs i wonder why....
  5. nice score Sergi why the pic is so tiny? can't see any details
  6. yeah but it didn't last long...rsannino took down my score, time to get my arse move
  7. thanks buddy, i put lots of effort on this one
  8. It seems like i cut off the GT4 details when i captured the screen, here's ORB link for further info http://3dmark.com/3dm03/6400388
  9. Massman, you're not selling them? ok if you're giving them away i want the 5730 one xDD j/k
  10. I'd say alternative 3 is the one which fits the best for either removing hardware sharing (not completetly but at least a quite good percentage of it) and still remains user points to sum for team total all revisions through the history of hwbot had impact on some teams but this change is needed for all hardware sharing is like a plague which needs to be eradicated for the good of the oc community that's my 2 cents with hardware sharing what i mean is someone producing scores for 10-15 team members to submitt and sum up for their team with the same rig setup, this needs to be addressed that's a MUST
  11. after taking into consideration the negative effect of hardware sharing for Team points i voted for both alternatives 1 and 3 as i see it ilegal hardware sharing is happening in big scale and it definitely hurts the fair play and the real spirit of overclocking and competition, it's sad this is happening and because of this i think a change is needed asap with REV4
  12. oh but i think with this method we wouldn't be giving more focus to global points, what i mean is doing for Team Rankings exactly the same as current Individual Rankings (maybe with some slight changes), i don't see negative effect for grinding that way if this method is actually working great for individual rankings, i think it should work ok too for Team Rankings IMHO what would be in your opinion the negative side effects? cheers
  13. what about making two separated leagues as with individual rankings? i mean, there's the overclocking league and the hardware league, the first use mostly your global points + the 300 hwboints we could do the same for teams, pretty much the alternative 2 with some points to clarify that way we'd remove the hardware sharing issue with the "Power Team League", and still we wouldn't cut the total team contribution hence the "team spirit" with the "Team HWBoints League" oh, seems like i'm late as always
  14. Thanks sir VGA was a 5870 but it sucked big time for the clocks, 900 on the core and the memory was untouchable otherwise all i got was blue screen the storage was 2x OCZ Vertex 2 in Raid0, these HDs are insane fast also the good score was due i used W7 64 with SP1 and Internet Explorer 9 RC , big boost in web page rendering test
  15. i didn't check by myself yet, but if you have a look here http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=17691 there's some interesting info @ SteveRo, thanks sir
  16. hey Dino yeah i was starting lobbies first, that was my run order since the first day i learned how to tweak the 3D01 thanks to my friend OJDR2001 then i noticed either my Nature and specially the Car High were too slow...(CH always below 400 FPS) so i changed my run order to Nature first and Car High right after nature, it gave me a decent FPS, lobbies were good too, but CL i was re-running tons of times and best i hit was 1.7k FPS, so i said ok it's enough xDD now i saw the thread from Massman, maybe i shoould swap to UD4 and see what happens
  17. thanks all i still need to figure out why my CL is not doing that well.... also i think nature should've gone a bit higher, maybe i could freeze the card
  18. thanks buddy i need some more time to try get OMEGA-san score
  19. thanks sirs yeah i'm still working on that
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