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Posts posted by Sweet

  1. Why doesn't my submission in the HWBOT ranking earn any points?




    Can I delete this submission and upload it again? What do I have to do? Please help!


    Yes , you ca do that, in More tab - delete., if you want to re-upload this, and get points, not tick, "...Do NOT participate in hwbot rankings...".





  2. Guys, This boy has received the sanction corresponding to the serious lack that it has committed., In long time, it is not going to be able to return do this.


    I think he abused our trust and has offended many of my country, those who work very much to obtain results acceptable and legal.


    I want you to know I feel ashamed by this fact of one guy of my country




  3. necesito el codigo para poder ingresar en su team en hwbot.org


    I think you need to use less photoshop, and more hard,. I have sent many messages of warning.


    It's a shame and is the first time someone in Argentina upload fake scores taken from other overclocker.


    If you have a bit of pride and dont want to harm more the real overclockers of our country I ask you to erase all your scores and to ask to erase your account.


    Sorry about this, David, but this "member" does not honor the serious and hard work of the overclockers of our country



  4. Hi Rojas_nob, can you please explain me, Why your screen is almost the same as that of another member of the community ?




    I appreciate an urgent response to this


    In spanish :


    Hola Rojas_nob, Puedes tu explicarme, porque tu screen es casi la misma de otro miembro de la comunidad ?


    Agradecerìa una urgente respuesta a esto





  5. looks bugged


    Yes Dinos, but I dont want to make a mistake, SmartDoctor can return the clocks to default when the software crash, i think


    hi rbuass san,Sweet san


    sorry, I’m poor at English.

    I appreciate advice.

    The people's benchmark results were seen.

    We may be unable to reproduce 450k, either.


    It is after benchmark completion that SmartDoctor crashed.


    Thank you for your reply.

    I will consult this issue with other crew members


    No problem with your english, mine is much worse :D



  6. fruchinix si denuncias el resultado no va a figurar en ningùn lugar, porque està denunciado, no le estas haciendo ningùn favor a Javier, por el contrario esta en stand by el score, por tu denuncia, siempre debes esperar a que el Bot reacomode los scores.

    Ahora hay que esperar màs tiempo porque yo tengo que aprobarlo y luego el bot debe calcular y acomodar, se entiende ?





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