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  1. humhh... i forgot this option ! Thank you Splave for this idea !
  2. Hi all Overclockers ! To begin with, it is important to note that it is so regrettable that the situation getting worse .. . I did not wish get here but Stavros has decided differently I'm so sorry that my cpu can't run at least 6.75G R15 on your Setup. And i didn't say that you are noobs .. i just say : maybe your setup isn't also clean as mine. On my Apex Setup the cpu was run exactly at 6790 Mhz R11 and 6770 Mhz R15 (Fast test !!) And before to send the cpu i had test the cpu a second time ! And same résults (+/- 10 Mhz) I have tested enormously Kabylake 7700K and this cpu is maybe in top 3 of my personnal binning. There are severals way to explain this big difference : - die scratch or scuffing with improperly assembled. - bad thermal conduction with DIE/IHS/POT - OS Windows : some difference between WIN 10, WIn 7 .. - Bios version and settings (voltage, ... ) - the way to bench (don't take it personally Stavros !) ^^ - Motherboard : Maybe your Apex was bad with high frequencies Until i'm sure one thing , this cpu was run at 6750 +R15 when i send you Man ! With my experience of binning skylake and kabylake .. i 'm not a beginner anymore. I sold enough of bin cpu on hwbot and in my circle to tell you i'm not a liar. A lot of people can testify my words 99 % of my buyers are very satisfied. For the moment and see how the situation evolves i can't accept a refund ! I try to be clean and accommodating but make a thread with the sole aim to tarnishing my reputation on Hwbot .. isn't fair ! I hate this attitude ..................................................... My last proposal is to send you my personnal setting on apex ! Let me know ! Everybody have a nice day. (and happy reading ^^)
  3. SOLD !!!
  4. Hi Bump for my last good CPU ! 470 Euros with shipping ! 6525 Mhz on GPUPI easily. Around 6600Mhz on hwbot prime.
  5. BUMP
  6. Hi XA ! Every time i try to sell something here, there are people complain about my cpu(s), my pictures, my screenshots .. If you want a screenshot with 6520+Mhz and 1.92v no problem !! I'm not a liar If i say 6520 gpupi, the cpu can reach at least 6540Mhz.. My cpu is cpu BOX with batch box but i don't provide boxes ! Why i don't provide boxes ?? because it's too bulky, not pratical.. for BIN a lot of cpu ! And isn't a problem for Intel warranty ! I'm not asking anyone else to buy these CPU ....
  7. New prices !! Prices: N°1: 620 Euros (with shipping EU) 600 in person N°2: 820 Euros (with shipping EU) 800 in person Test on Hwbot prime : N°1 : 6600Mhz N°2 : 6650Mhz+
  8. Bump for great CPU ! Ready to make an effort for the cpu n°1
  9. CPU n°3 770 Euros SOLD !
  10. Hi Georges, ok i understand Bin a lot of 6700K it's very expensive .. This chips are really great for 2D and 3D ! Maybe 1000 Euros is too much but i hope everyone can understand isn't possible for me to sell it 500E . I'm ready to make an effort, no problem ! Make me an decent offer if u are interested.
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