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Everything posted by k|ngp|n

  1. You mean me or the other 63 guys that want points for it? No one is on my case guy, I swear to it. They don't have a clue what we do over here, trust me!
  2. Hey Dino don't take this the wrong way man, but something is wrong in your results and they are very misleading. I'm unsure if the gigabyte 3d11 results are really that poor in combined and physics or your scores are messed up, but let me try and make some things CLEAR about the SR2 with regards to 3D11 and vantage cuz I think maybe most people just don't know whatsup due to not having run it themselves. Ok so for testing here I ran 3D11 Performance preset using EVGA Classified SR-2/ dual 5680's and quad SLI on reference GTX580's. All test are at stock clocks (unless otherwise noted) and untweaked without any "magic" other than moving the slider in NV CP all the way to the left. Thats it! First of all, this comparison of game tests on Sr2 vs your single CPU system is BAD. You are comparing DIFFERENT drivers here below: Please use this screenshot as a more accurate compare which are both on 275 versions drivers (your 275 version is still a bit faster though). This shows 1210/2530 stomping 1150/2400 as it should in 3D11 game tests: Yes my physics and combined is A LOT higher, but it's not because I have 2 cpus man I ran some 3D11 Performance preset here at stock clocks using both TWO cpus and ONE cpu to show this awesome advantage the Sr2 has in 3D11 . There are two runs for each instance to show typical margin of error that you can expect in 3dmark11. Its pretty tight and consistent from run to run and another one of its advantages as a solid benchmark: TWO CPUS: and ONE CPU..WOW what an advantage! 170 points between low margin 2 cpu run vs high margin one cpu run!: Now to put things in perspective a little, lets see what the single cpu system gets with roughly 400mhz higher overclock on cpu along with higher memory and uncore (typical system OC differences between single and dual cpu system in 3D11. This is the equivalent of running about 6ghz on gulftown vs the 5.6 that we ran in the EVGA SR-2 3d11 World Record. Again, I'm showing two runs for each instance to show the margin of error between runs: Hmmm so an overclocked single cpu system is actually faster then a dual cpu system SETTING for SETTING as shown here in 3D11 REAL WORLD typical OC vs typical OC? WRONG!! Now lets see the differences between SINGLE vs DUAL cpu on SR-2 in 3Dmark Vantage Performance in comparison to 3D11 at stock, again two runs for each instance to have a little margin of error difference, which can be as much as 6-800 points, here suprisingly it wasn't so great and it scored consistently for me. SINGLE CPU: DUAL CPU: Wow so 5k point difference between single cpu vs dual cpu at stock. So this is that big SR2 adVANTAGE everyone likes to talk about?? Well, the REALITY is that an SR2 cant clock as high as single cpu system can, especially a single cpu system with an ultra binned non realistic VERY non-average cpu. Current EVGA 3DMARK Vantage World record of almost 80k is with two cpus clocked at 5940mhz while the current highest single cpu result its crushing is clocked at a whopping 700mhz+ higher. Fair to use about 5-600mhz difference in overclock and then compare vantage scores??? That is like comparing my WR result at 5.9 with 6.5 gulftown. So lets take a look a this supposed huge advantage that this 7 pot and very difficult to overclock rig has over its single cpu competitor when overclocked on system side: Advantage huh? SINGLE CPU with 600mhz OC on system side:
  3. Almost same spread and polling results as here on probably a more significant point adjustment: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=4614 The addition of WR 3d points was upheld after that polling, so I don't really see why a newsletter is needed for more opinions?
  4. Scratch that! I vote FOR ALL THREE 11 presets!!!
  5. My man I vote for BOTH!!! BTW Dean was raving about your guys 11 in the chatbox, sounds like u had some fun
  6. You don't have to prove that the sr2 is better at 3dmark11 than the board you are using, thats for sure but its much closer than you think bro. At first I was getting similar scores with sr2 when I first started testing it, but I got it to score higher in the long run, particulary in the tests you mention. I'm not gonna tell u how to run the benchmark dude.
  7. Another really bad comparison Dino..do you REALLY know why I am scoring A LOT higher on combined or are you guessing? 3d11P is NOT the same as 3dmark vantageP.
  8. hey man..u got PM :)

  9. Hmm almost 5 to 1 Yah maybe u should reconsider that.
  10. Your way off dude My comment to smoke means a bench shouldnt be considered or not considered for hwbot because if someone finds it interesting or not, somehow its been taken out of context a bit as anticipated . It doesn't mean I actually want it removed. I still like all the 3d benches personally. What are u talking about with your sr2 comment SamOCX, yah its a tough system to run but what do you mean by only measurement of skill? I don't think this. I don't know where u got that from as I never implied that. There is single gpu overclocking like what guys like elmor and others have mastered impressively, there is the 2d stuff with insanely high cpu speed and systems on the brink of crashing at any second so tough to even get a screencap of 5 second bench, wprime with lots of threads at once, and cpuz can be pretty tough actually too when your really pushing it. I've sat next to duck when hes done it and its impressive! 32m is a bitch (mostly I hate it because im not patient enough to spend the time to really learn it properly). I simply want 3Dmark11 to be added for global and WR points, and im still asking for 3d11 to be added for global and wr points. Its a solid modern day benchmark that pushes about every aspect of a system from the cpu to the gpu to the power supplies. Obviously from the thread im not the only person who feels this way and this was the purpose of making the thread. Has nothing to do with evgas intentions lol.
  11. Well im not for removing anything tbh, but my thoughts Exactly! . More reason to have something new. Can we have a poll at least? Instead of some of this sillyness? Massman/richbastard? If majority doesnt want it, then thats cool but if majority wants it you should add it I think right? I would love to see the benchmark here not the company. EVGA doesn't even support hwbot, why should they care? I already explained to massman they are all about orb, most people at the company besides me and TiN dont even know hwbot exists, but Im trying to get support for u guys myself, but its not so easy. At first I didnt think it at all, but 3d11 is a great benchmark that pushes the total modern system to the brink, I've seen it on the scope in our lab, and from running it alot, its no joke! Its the real deal and what a current benchmark should be. TOTALLY not for gays as smoke insists
  12. 3DM05 is an absolutely not interesting benchmark, that requires almost no effort on the part of the bencher... can we remove points from that?
  13. Your not getting it man It's the same as it for vantage. If you run the SAME gpu clocks in quad on an sr2 that you do on a single gulftown that is clocked higher in mhz, the gpu score is ALOT higher. 11 is similar, but not as magnified. Thats all your seeing. Like I said run 11 in quad with a single cpu system and go form 260-270 drivers then you will see the difference in your comparison. I'm not gonna argue that the physics test is higher on sr2, but the combined test is NOT its lower. The net effect of 1-2k higher physics score is barely anything in total score in 11 im tellin ya, its still very competitive between the two platforms. Its high mhz single cpu vs low mhz dual cpu. Much more balanced than vantage and look how close those scores are. Don't use my scores as compare:D Look at smoke/Andre
  14. Dino with all respect dude...the sr2 does not have a big advantage in 11. Your comparison is really bad and is using different drivers. We BARELY beat the asus score by a hundred or two when running the same drivers 260 vs 270. Physics score has such little weight in 11, its nothing. and there are tweaks/methods to get physics score high on single cpu as well. I think some guys jsut arent running the bench right The scores goes up in quad as it does in single. Its high mhz vs low mhz 2 cpus and it basically balances out. If you run it in quad you will see that buddy The difference is not nearly as much as vantage. and besides all of that... so u vote no becuase u think the sr2 is faster? LOL! SO WHAT!! Deal with mate! How about other manufactures make something that can compete with a faster "overclocking" motherboard :D There is NO GOOD reason to not add 3d11 for world record points and global points in single/quad. It only give hwbot more to offer.
  15. That was then, this is NOW Lets move forward..
  16. Heaven is not as demanding on a complete system and difficult to run on a full system as 3dmark11. Its not as complete as a benchmark either. I think having both for dx11 in global and wr points is cool, why the cblock on 11?
  17. Cuz thats the direction u guys seem to be going in..I dunno maybe its just me that sees it this way lol
  18. Hw points is for old shit man!! Cmon get with it seriously...
  19. U guys gonna add stone giant soon? 3d11 is a bad ass bench. Once I started running it I really started to dig it even more than vantage. Heaven is jsut one long game test with no breaks and no other dynamics involved in running, pretty boring actually. Also it was harder for me to get the same 4 cards doing 1220/2500+ in 11 than in heaven + no physics and combined test for pushing overall system = less demanding on the system and not as complete as 11 actually.
  20. LOL thats it!? So we have to live with just heaven? LAME!
  21. Dude forget about hardware points. You know thats not what I'm talking about. GLOBAL POINTS and WORLD RECORD POINTS!!!! Cmon hwbot lets move forward and be a little more current with the times..
  22. Why are there no global points for 3d11?..I seriously don't get it. You guys post news clips on your front page about MSI and Gigabyte taking 3d11 records with new cards, but there are no global points/WR points awarded for futuremarks latest dx11 benchmark for top score or single card? strange.. Can we please have global points in PRO league already? Whats up with awarding global wr points for such an old ass benchmark like 05 that only requires cards on air and binned cpu, but not for something like 3d11 that actually requires u to overclock 1-4 gpus VERY VERY hard for top score and isn't so heavily cpu bound that ANYONE can take it as long as they have some 1 of 300 sample of cpu like 05?
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