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Everything posted by k|ngp|n

  1. I noticed some issues with wrapper today as well....no problems in 7 64 when I was in that OS. Problems came with: Clean install XP sp3 GTX 580 Z77 After I install the hwbot version of AM3, bench runs in slowmo or "slower" and oddly enough cpuz will hang on opening. Maybe its related to something else I missed, but for now seems wrapper is causing some weirdness with my setup in XP. 01 runs fins on same os with same HW btw.
  2. aight lets do it! Gotta run thru all the benches quick and dirty first with this chip before I blow it, then I will start 01. 6850mhz stable for lobbies so far
  3. Coming soon U ready for a fight poola?
  4. Screenshot with CPUz window here in case its an issue. Submitted wrong one to hwbot. Don't hate on ELEET! http://overclockingpin.com/Final%20GTX680/15327-single-gtx680-WR-cpuz.jpg
  5. GRATZ to the winners!! ENJOY the TEK FATS guys, these engraved pots are special..
  6. Hey nice review Hokie..Glad u liked the pot . Dark pot is for all the guys that liked the heavy feel and super easy control of the EE so much. Your review seems to point that out This new Dark pot like its predecessor (EE) is optimized for cpus with coldbugs where temperature control and minimized swing from pours (up and down) is key. Sandy and Sandy-E are good examples of this. For FULL pot benching such as AMD cpus or in the past INTEL K processors and where lighting fast pulldown is needed, the Gemini pot (with rocket base) is more suited for that kind of benching. Its why I sell both pots now, they are both REALLY great at what they were designed to do.
  7. when u coming back to TW?

  8. Yo! It's all good and dealt with man, I got most of the stuff back eventually.

  9. Whos there biatch?

  10. Thank you to you and the rest of HWbot staff Pieter!
  11. Not much at all, it only really has an impact on physics/combined tests Predator. How u doin ? Spanish knights still kicking ass? You should give it a go, its a fun benchmark to run when your pushing the 4 gpus hard in quad. I'm sure single card is a blast too, just haven't had a decent card to run it on yet. No point in running a reference card again lightnings and Cu's. At first I wasnt much into 11, but slowly I started to like it more and more. Maybe you will too bro.
  12. Good job man..Jolly roger flyin high once again
  13. Cool! Also you guys can also clearly see the differences between vantage and 11 now as you see the overclock go higher and higher here. Each game test only went up one frame or less with 900mhz increase in cpu speed for a tiny difference of 50 points in total gpu score!! This is using exact same card clocks on both runs. So basically I got almost NO SCALING in quad in gpu portion of score form the increase in raw mhz. If this was vantageP, H, or even X, how much of an increase in gpu score do you think I'd have gotten from going from 5g's to 5.9g's?? and how much of an impact would that have on total score compared to what you see here in 11?? Anyone who runs it knows it would be a HUGE difference. This is why 3d11 is so different than vantage. Futuremark did right on this one. Vantage and 11 don't scale the same at all. They are very different benchmarks. Scaling is the same for all presets on 11. The guy who has the fastest cpu can't rape the benchmark. 11 is not so much about the highest overclock, but the BEST total system overclock and you have to work very hard on system side as well as get 4 gpus screaming on Ln2 for a killer score for both single and dual cpu systems. It's a big league benchmark that should be for full points in the hwbot PRO LEAGUE. The SR-2 doesn't have the big advantage either, look at how close the physics and combined are with my cards on air on 5.9ghz X58 compared to the 25470 run using 5670mhz sr2 with Ln2 cards. Only 230mhz raw difference in OC but the X58 system can do a lot of things that the sr2 system CANNOT and we all know these are average to easy clocks for 990x. Also in the end on Ln2 the x58 system will have higher GPU tests which carry more weight than that of combined and physics. Its a fair fight
  14. Your the one thats assuming things Dino . I know the benchmark from running the hell out of it, and I KNOW that your combined and physics scores are not good for the clocks you said you ran at man (5ghz/1150/2300) This is not an assumption or reckless speculation. Same thoughts goes for Asus scores.. I'm confident I know the benchmark pretty good. Do you understand where im comin with all of this? or still no? TBH...the "only becuase of SR2" comments like this are getting tired: Then ur posting compares in my thread with my details in a previous 3D11 WR result that I basically spent 2 months working on against what are with all due respect bro sub par scores that you said you didnt even spend much time on - with much lower clocks for a point of view about how the SR2 is superior? Like I said maybe its your HW, I really dont know. Now thats something I've speculated on. The newer P25470 result I did live has so much work behind it dude, "crushing" it even on an SR2 again with reference cards is gonna be really tough. Lets see what the new classified 580 gets when it launches soon. Who knows Look here man, I ran some 3D11 on the EVGA CLASSIFIED 762 today with some air cards. So you say the Asus score is at 6.3ghz and your at 5GHZ and the ASUS score is only 10-15% higher than you on combined/physics? Well I got you by the same percentage on those two tests at your SAME 5GHZ CLOCK WITH THE CARDS ON AIR: and I got the ASUS score by nearly the same percentage with 400mhz less cpu clock: 22K at 5.9ghz with cards on air is pretty good for single cpu system. At 6.3ghz with cards on this system at 1220+/2550+ its has a very realistic shot at low 25k score maybe even WR. On older drivers with Sr2 I remember I got a 21.4k result at around 5.4 with same gpu clocks for perspective.
  15. Yo Dino! Can you tell my girl hasn't been around for awhile mate? haha Ducks situation was about his gpus being pushed to hard. I talked about that with him actually and another one of our team members was able to reproduce it, its nothing to do with bclock and I actually believe this vantage bug can be replicated on any platform w555 or x58. Its pretty obvious bug tho regardless. While I have a HUGE amount of respect for Duck-san, I agreed with gatman in his conclusion. As for James, I dunno we talked about prime on sr2 when we met and he never mentioned that to me. Would have loved to discuss that further. I've benched the hell out of wrpime on w555 and never seen this. Maybe this is why I couldn't beat his 1024m time eh? Actually I think I really figured that out and may give it another go soon. As for the x58 asus and gigga scores, I'm not guessing or assuming, but going by the ORB details. Can you do me favor and post a full screen of the run you linked to with details bro? Were getting off base here, its good discussion but this is about hwbot adding 11 for gobal/WR points for PRO league. I just wanted to show some easy comparos in case anyone that had doubts about 11 being an SR2 only benchmark, that is really not the case. Yes the SR2 is better clock for clock / setting for setting. It can be by as much as 2-600 points depending on end user However when comparing 2 fully OC'd rigs pushed within their reasonable capabilities X58 vs W555 is a pretty fair fight for more than a few reasons. Some being the greater OC capabilities of an x58 rig and others being the pure difficulty of running the w555 rig.
  16. Its not that similar Marky, but I'm totally down with Xtreme. Just add the benchmark for global/wr points is all I'm asking preset doesn't matter. @El gappo
  17. I'm pretty sure both the Gigabyte and ASUS scores are not 100% efficient and have problems. I agree about the driver having the most impact on GT's. My physics and combined are actually lower in the current WR at 25470, than in previous score that you linked on orb showing that they have lesser impact on final score compared with game tests. 3D11 is all about game tests. Quad is not much different than single card in what impacts scaling, this is another example of why it is not the same as vantage. You can see in the single vs dual cpu comparisons on SR2 for 11 that the game tests go down when scond cpu is added, even at same exact gpu and cpu clock. This is typical sr2 behavior and can be seen in vantage as well. This offsets the slight increase in physics and combined scores (dual cpu) and is a big reason there is not much difference in final score single vs dual cpu for 11. Futuremark did a good job to make a healthy competition for all you end users Dino So how does that give EVGA an advantage then if its more about how you run it and not what you run it on? Doesn't that alone make it more suitable for something like HWBOT? The SR2 is better at 3D11 then single cpu board, I won't argue that. Most of the point of this is that when typical overclocks are used on system side, its pretty fair fight. A lot of how much better it is depends on end user though. These screenshots I've shown highlight how close the systems can be when all things are the same from one cpu to two. Why instead of and not just use both benchmarks? Isn't more variety better man? Makes things more interesting for me personally. Heaven is good, but seriously its just one long game test with no dynamic load changing or shifting from different areas of the system, they are not really similar benchmarks other than they both use DX11. How many dx10 benches does hwbot currently host for WR and global points? I have no idea what your talking about and have never seen something consistent with this kind of behaviour. When pushing high bclock the frame rates and wprime times DROP big time, because the data signals between IOH and cpus are getting messed up and data is being thrown back constantly. This slows things down BIG TIME, not causes "higher than usual jumps". Who told u that Anyone who has benched the setup seriously knows its not the case. Getting the baseclock high on this bastard and having the frames/times correct (meaning up where they are supposed to be) is very tricky and requires a lot of painstaking work. Look you asked me "what it was I was trying to say", so instead of keep saying the same things over and over and have you post comparisons that don't jive with reality and are misleading, I'd rather post up some real world /no hype compares so the rest of these guys can judge for themselves what impact having a second cpu alone makes in 3d11 and how it compares to the same impact in 3Dmark vantage. Like you said, not everyone benches the Sr2 setup so you guys really just don't know. I'm sure TiN will thank you for locking up half of my day yesterday preparing this as I was not able to harass and torture him like i usually do every day
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