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Everything posted by k|ngp|n

  1. Thanx for the add!

  2. YO! thanx for the add buddy :)

  3. thanx for the add!

  4. hey when are you gonna bench some 01 man?

  5. Whatsup Gunit! Thanx for the add..

  6. Thanx for the add Angelo! Much appreciated :)

  7. Thanx for the add Paisano!

  8. Thanx for the add, hope all is well in THE VESUVIUS EXPLODED land :D Give that greek legend a hug for me!

  9. thanx for the add my man..keep rocking the pot designing. I'm impressed with your recent work!

  10. whatsup!! Thanx for the add dude :)

  11. whatsup ZORCHER! Thanx for the add :)

  12. Thanx for the accepts and kind words guys :D. Everyones benching at such a high level these days I see! Great stuff..

  13. Getting up there now! Way to put it together guys..Lets have some fun here
  14. Great job suicide, lets keep this goin tho . We have to worry about smoke and slamms lurking about now as well . Great fun here! You'll find out how much of a clueless comment that is soon enough my friend . No need to say stupid stuff like that dude.
  15. thanx for the add Tim!

  16. Thanx for the add my friend!

  17. Appreciate the add dude!

  18. Thanx for the add man!

  19. Thanx for the add Dino :)

  20. Thanx for the add! 100% crazy huh? :)

  21. U 2 :) Thanx for the add man!

  22. Thaxn for the accept Vivi! Keep 2k1'ing it man :)

  23. Thanx for the accept Bruce!

  24. Thanx for the accept my friend! :D

  25. Thanx for the accept!

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