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Everything posted by ribeirocross

  1. Opa... Sim amigo, existem várias configurações para melhorar o tempo principalmente o clock do NB... É que eu quero abaixar muito esse tempo e com água não é possível, por isso eu não afinei os ajustes que deveria. Esse S-Pi eu rodei aleatoriamente enquanto estava fazendo teste de clock no processador. Rodei o Super-Pi somente para ver se a peça tinha estabilidade nesse clock. Depois é que eu fui ver os resultados aqui do BOT e acabei postando pela posição atingida. Eu fiz tempo bem menor que o postado aqui no BOT com frequência de memória muito mais baixa. Vide FCH/benchmark/Super-Pi, mas não foi o limite do equipamento aquele resultado. Vou ajeitar tudo aqui e quando o tempo me permitir vou fazer uma bateria de teste com vários programas para postar mais de 1 resultado. Pretendo e vou fazer os testes com sistema de refrigeração extremo. Obrigado pelas dicas.
  2. No my brother, SS old case. Blue CROSS
  3. I burned my Sempron! have warned you. Post Nº9. I have no other now. so I get another, i modded you look ranking. other evidence. Modding bridge, fact. modding 22x (default) link: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1203686 modding 20x (default) video youtube: Now you still still deny the simple truth? then do the same as mine.(BS) There is nothing else to prove the you. You are by out, not even come that it doesn’t have! respect i HWBOT I belive that imagination is stronger than the hardware knowledge! Subject closed
  4. The mouse was eaten by the cat.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haha publicity strategies. come on Example: PiFast Móbile Duron 1000. Hmmm 92.03s time very high. http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1198992 (64.85% Rock Solid OC)
  5. Hi! Those microprocessors with the electrical parts exposed, as the S462, can be modded and it works on every chipset, including NForce ones, which is well-known for not accepting any mods. Most overclockers just do them by changing BIOS configs, and they don’t know about other stuff, that’s why there are many questions. Example: I own a Applebred Duron (week 0442), which was unlocked by modifying those electrical exposed parts. I’m using it on my Abit NForce 2 MoBo, and that goes against the widely accepted theory about those chipsets. By going against many disbelievers, skeptical people and before y’all calling me a troll, here’s a video about it. There’s no UNLOCKED Applebred Duron. Still true? About two weeks ago I’ve killed Sempron on extreme overclock, and it was also modded and working on this MoBo. thereupon I didn’t register those results on HWBOT. Since I’m from Brazil, and do not speak english (my friend Aladdin is helping me writing this), I can’t help to discuss it the way I would like to do, but please go on with the thread... Best regards, take care!
  6. Hil, For knowledge Modded Duron in NForce http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1197086
  7. Bridges only, do not processor modify "CPU". (Learn) resistors may also change the "CPU"... FACT. hardware overclock different.
  8. OK... Then use the recent version. POST 20/10/2009 existed latest CPU-Z.
  9. 50??? win. Keep on Walking. Luck wish Good. Johnnie Walker. :celebration:
  10. collection mine. only thoroughbred core one.
  11. OMG... It's great result. Congratulations!
  12. 700Mhz to 966MHz very good
  13. I asked, you have your CPU OC Have a result? Yes, I am using translator.
  14. The research is the most correct yes, the problem is to be Brazilian ... EHEH grateful Holhol friend you for listening. thanks anyway.
  15. Mr Right, thanks. You already have some results of its CPU there? Hehe
  16. No one to explain?
  17. I would also like to know hehe... I know it is because it has the advantage alcansado Hardware comandantes, but do not understand this showcase punctuation... Until
  18. Simple when you know ne friend. The problem is that even copying the file has to get the dump again to validate.
  19. Hello, everyone. I have a VIA C3 processor of 700MHz (7 * 100) and there is that processor listed. Needed to post resulatados of the benchmark. The moderator could add to the list? Grateful.
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