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Everything posted by Dreadzone

  1. first ever benchmark with uwu ram pot 😃
  2. As the market is a bit short on 1 DPC ram pots as boards are moving towards 1 DPC for XOC boards, I designed this pot with input from onewolf and zeus. frostvolt rampot Version 1. Comes in 2 variants, black anodised aluminium and nickel plated copper. the aluminium version weighs 220g and the copper version weighs 720 grams. all fit into a width of 24mm. WhatsApp Video 2024-06-14 at 19.08.22_3658f824.mp4
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  3. yeah waiting for leeg to take this score down :cope: i uploaded wrong file
  4. No cb. Cbb -175c. Altho this was the last bench i did. I had already ran out of ln2 just before starting. And the test finished at -112c
  5. my guy it literally says it in the rules that ecc needs to be enabled. idk why ur waiting for others to be removed to post a valid score, u should lead by example
  6. https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5277 rules have been updated. RTX40xx cards must use ECC enabled
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