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Everything posted by Nosfer@tu

  1. Dont have screenshot, ran without GUI. Just a quick and dirty bench
  2. My problem is, when 1 score is removed for the bug, remove the rest to. If not it seams like selecting scores for removal. Then remove all DDR2 with bugged devider If only 1 is removed, it is like saying the OC was easy Its not mine Don_Dan Im Nosfer@tu not Noxon I dident know the score was submitted 5 months ago, that makes it a bit different I agree
  3. This score was removed because its a impossible score. http://hwbot.org/submission/2176546_noxon_memory_clock_ddr2_sdram_739.8_mhz Maybe the devider is broken, but come on. Then remove every single score. 3½ years later a moderator starts cleaning
  4. An error accours when you search for Company and select the 3d tab. http://hwbot.org/hardware/manufacturer/kontron?tab=3drankings
  5. Im at work today, and was looking for the motherboards from Kontron where I work. If I select the 3D tab, I get records that are not related to Kontron Just wanted to inform about this http://hwbot.org/hardware/manufacturer/kontron?tab=3drankings
  6. I cant undersatnd why this result was blocked ? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/989389_wfdi_pcmark_2005_atom_d510_3152_marks When I read the rules it is only top 20 in the world that needs futuremark links ? http://hwbot.org/benchmark.application.info.do?applicationId=9&tab=rules Thx in advance for a great job hwbot **// And there is no Ironly or evil humor in that //**
  7. Ticket ID: 872 Priority: Low Hello hwbot \r\n\r\nI just wanted to know if there is a Team Signature I can use for my website.\r\n\r\nWould like to have a constant update of how the team is ranked, but cant find one without my username on it
  8. Thx gentlemen it works now
  9. Trying to submit results made on Kontron Technology motherboards. 1.Im not allowed to enter Kontron and when doing so it gets named as "No matching hardware found" 2.After saving a popup came - http://www.hwbot.org/editResult.do This was done in IE8 but there was no save button and enter dident help either 3. I dont get points because of this I belive 4. I dont think that the png image is working ? http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=941029
  10. I will be there from Thursday Nigth to Sunday Hope to meet up with you guys
  11. Thx jmke You tha man
  12. Hey folks Heres another one of Riska´s scores. Also Changed to 3870x2 from 3870 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=731802 This is accualy the 2 or 3 time this has happen to his 3870 Card scores
  13. I think such actions take prof and not just information via msn! These 2 cards where by NO MEANS Noxon´s card! This only indicates that a user here in Denmark spends more time worrying about others scores when in fact his own are borrowed hardware. What a pity that that a danish guy reports such things wrongly because he wants to have most points here in denmark laughable
  14. Ticket ID: 64 Priority: Low I dont know how to validate if our forum bot works \r\n\r\nWe havent used it alot and i want to make more PR for it and insure that it works propper.\r\nAny sugestion on how to test without violating any rules ?\r\n\r\nhere is our forum...\r\n\r\nhttp://www.octeamdenmark.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=46\r\n\r\nThx in advance for your time and sorry for the n00bed question \r\n\r\nregards Nosfer@tu from OCTeamDenmark.Com
  15. Agree WANT IT TO
  16. GREAT respect to EVERYBODY at OCX. You overclock very skilled!!!! I just don't understand pp numbers below 45K. Only users from OCX can do this I look at it like this. Everybody in the world benches superpi. They all get good scores. But 3-4 users are able to get MUCH faster times. WHY ? Because they know a tweak or ? I dont want to point fingers, But I think it SUX that we are not able to compeat with those 3-4 users because they get WAY better times than anybody else. Cheat or Tweak, I dont know. But it isent funny to bench Superpi anymore
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