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Everything posted by nvidiaforever2

  1. cinebench 5ghz 1.43v llc6 . Up price drop
  2. nvidiaforever2

    good 6700k

    hi i'm selling this 6700k : 5ghz hwbotprime 1.375v watercooling (not delided) on Asus maximus VIII impact . LLC at 6 in bios . Price : 500euros shipped to eu .
  3. nvidiaforever2


    hi , i m looking for a 6700k (xtu 5ghz 1.4v or better ) Thanks .
  4. Thanks to Asus and hwbot for this competition . Will u annnounce the overall results of the formula series ? Thanks .
  5. Yep that s why i only used it for stage 1 where limitation is 20°C load . Nik u can repeat the same thing again and again but it won t change the fact it s allowed in enthusiast league .
  6. ice of course . Dice is extreme and it would freeze the water inside the loop
  7. what king of verification please ? I already posted a video and sent it to u . Thanks
  8. I was a bit hard on you sorry but u can understand i m upset . It s not temperature throttle u can see on the video it s just me who triggers the slow mode . People really thinks i m going to cheat on a 5 points benchmark when i could have benched stage 2 and 3 at 5200+ mhz with ice bucket too ? I benched h265 at 5200 mhz before they changed the rules for stage 2 and 3 and sent the screenshot to Christian Ney for verification . It was at the beginning of the competition I showed u 5.23 ghz xtu with regular watercooling at ambient temp and it s still not enough . Any way i feel comfortable about this cause i can rebench any day with the same frequencies and temperatures .
  9. I m tired to answer to people who doesn't know what theyre talking about . Throttle? lol . U don t even know what is slow mode and how to use it .
  10. I don t like when rules are changing too . when i asked the first time Massman answered it was 20°C load for all benches . I benched xtu and x265 with idle temeprature below 20°C . I sent the x265 screenshot to Christian Ney for clarification about frequency .(almost 5.2ghz if i remember) Then they changed the rules for stage 2 and 3 and i had to rebench . Aerotracks asked for a full rig picture at the last minute that s why i edited my submission with this picture but i didnt have to because it s not required , same for screenshot .
  11. Screenshot from Raules : http://hwbot.org/submission/3055983_raules009_geekbench3___multi_core_core_i7_6700k_22604_points 5200mhz @ 1.63v .My cpu can do it with 1.58v .Therefore he s benching x265 at 5200mhz when i can only do 5070 . Can't u see there 's a problem ?
  12. That s why i asked moderators when competition started . They changed it to 20°c load, u can see it on first page of this thread
  13. The option is cpu svid support . It was a fresh win10 install . Now everything is ok . It s either because i updated win 10 or because i removed cpu rog connect and aisuite . I couldn t install turbo vcore at first ( io driver error) . After updating and removing softwares it was possible and now voltage is accurate in cpu-z There s no limitation for xtu except 20°C load .
  14. i wasted enough time and i won t rebench and remount everything just to make u happy . Now i'm done here so have fun .
  15. there s an option in the bios if u set it to disable u won t see any voltage on cpu-z . Voltage was set to 1.6v I have a bug where cpu-z is only showing vid My first video is here u can see settings in aisuite 3 And yes it s slow mode (oc panel) . u don t need to run full speed to have a score on xtu .
  16. Raules u shouldn't start here . Go to your own topic . My cpu can do geekbench with less voltage than that and u re benching x265 with 140 mhz more
  17. look at the rules again rig picture is not needed for xtu .
  18. U're not the one making the rules . Ice bucket as always been allowed for enthusiasts or rookies And rules says 20°C load for xtu : Limitations The CPU load temperature must be higher than 20°C Christian ney : "For XTU: under load For other bench: Min Just like it's written in the OP " For now i m just wondering how u can bench with higher frequency on x265 when my cpu is way better than yours .
  19. i don t like to talk to haters but it looks like u re having fun here . 5.3ghz is easy for me with iced water :
  20. page 2 ; nvidiaforever2 nvidiaforever2 says: Sreenshot is mandatory for xtu ? Thanks 28 days ago Christian Ney says: No
  21. Hi , when we save result with x265 benchmark it takes a screenshot . Do we only need this one or do we have to take and other one too please ? thanks
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