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Everything posted by errhon

  1. You're very very big bro, great score, i'm proud to be in your team
  2. ahahahah you want to run with me??? good job
  3. great job dude, can i ask you what mod you make to unlock voltage over 1.26? thank you
  4. woow fantastico score Mat, grande davvero
  5. grande, posso chiederti come fai a terminare il pcmark04? ogni volta mi dà errore "system suite must be selected to obtain score" ma io lo eseguo anche full, single test, ma nulla. ti ringrazio in ogni caso
  6. Thank you bro, i'm trying to make a better result
  7. in alto a destra fai edita e aggiungi una foto del pc in basso alla pagina della submission, altrimenti ti annullano i punti
  8. wee grazie, è un onore ricevere commenti da voi big
  9. i think i can go better, this cpu seems good
  10. Ticket ID: 1945 Priority: High anyone can help me?\r\n\r\ni bought an Asus Radeon R5 230 2GB but i can\'t find this card in the database, there is only R5 M230, but is not the same.\r\nthis is my submission with gpu-z screen,\r\nhttp://hwbot.org/submission/2686901_errhon_aquamark_radeon_r5_m230_110891_marks\r\n\r\n please add my graphic card thank you
  11. ok thank you bro
  12. sorry guys, i can't find my Asus Radeon R5 230 graphic card in the database, can you help me?? i can find only R5 M230 here: http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_r5_m230/ i submitted just a report but is in a incorrect category, look here: http://hwbot.org/submission/2686901_ thank you for help
  13. bella lì, si fanno piu punti con le schede old quasi....
  14. hi guys, why i can't see my hardware list in my personal page? i'm not the only one, other users have same problem. thank you
  15. do you think? i'm surprised from your interest . thank you bro
  16. hi, UcBench 2011 is off? i can't submit my cpu result
  17. Hi i'm errhon xtremehardware-oc-team. i have the same problem with Samsung S4 mini. i already changed different kernel and rom but HwbotPrime don't work perfectly. in default values i obtained 1664pps @1728mhz and after OC @2050mhz i received only 650/660pps during benchmark i see only a core operating and he work @ 1728mhz, the secon core show 0mhz please help us! Thank you
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