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philip park

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Everything posted by philip park

  1. Per core test I re summit by 13900ks (8p) Total score summit and this is multiplies ÷ 8core right ? But this time score is not correct upload live it This result is Competition when end score is upload it by manual? I tested 3bench all 8pmode and re summit it
  2. Oh i understood it was per core test now i reload 8p all test it thanks this summit result automatic caclulate it ? i test all 8p it is correct ?
  3. Per Core test (testing purposes) NOW stage 2, 3 is worng error point check please
  4. sorry i misstake this is not geek5 i runtest geek6 upload misstake it
  5. Before uploading screenshot you need to launch cpuz 4 picture please check other user screenshot Cpu main board memory spd 4ea picture and don't cross picture other information
  6. hello anybody i was start 2022 hwbot rank test on Novice league rank 7th , i want change 2033 Apprentice League how to change it?
  7. sir how to change change Apprentice League ?
  8. AHA thankyou sir but why this is run time is terrible score hahaha ^^ i will try again
  9. sorry sir i misstake upload this is 8p not all core i am so sorry please check and delete it please
  10. Sorry I mistake 8p it was not 8p score I delete it soon to ask jurdge
  11. could you please delete this record i miss take this is not all core mode i upload another all new record it also hwbot community id and password is not joined it and there is no recevied email new password it i can't write there
  12. Albrecht (judge ) Yes, that is correct. adjusted to 8P category he said
  13. my 13900k was dead 3days ago i delid it for core directe die i scratch it 4line inside i fixed it and it is alive SP 101
  14. Sir When you test geekbench5 run together Hwinfo There is screenshot hwinfo was only 21seconds
  15. hey bro you check hwinfo max over 5500 > 5501.3mhz and re check cpu-z information was not 5500 > 5300mhz need to modify it 5501.3mhz hwinfo is invalid
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