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  1. Normal run... Gpu fails.., and it looks like this.. Just thought I show it...
  2. very fine lil tool.., works just perfekt! appreciate sharing.., will mention ofcourse in subs! :-)
  3. Ofcourse the manhours put in to this by botcrew is awesome.., to follow every entry and check its validity is impossible.., I think everybody understands this if given some time to think about it... At the same time fustration over deleted result or no answers in same issue.., also understandable...(had one result deleted myself other day.., my own fault acctually.., not observant enough.., bugged score.., damn.. :-) This situation is very hard to fully grip... If every submission was made according to stated rules.., well.., no problem would occur... Only ones who can make this a lil easier is us.., benchers.., so please let us try to help insted of makin it harder..,yes..?
  4. actually I havent even looked.., seems lil strange I will admit.., didnt look strange when it was running.., compared just points with other results and didnt reflect anything abnormal... well.., guess it wont come back after all... .., take this insted... http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=5963508
  5. .., just curious why my sub just dissapered... http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=5972298 well.., I guess it will come back... :-)
  6. Of the looks of it You are doin just fine.., Q66@thoose speeds is more than good.., keep it up and go sub zero next.. :-).., watch out for PLL.., its a lil devil.. :-) GL HF
  7. Germany??? .., Monstru my dear.., lets stop this now.., let me take pride in what I do.., even if i´m just fixing old computers to get me round the corner..., must laugh :-))) Obviously "workout" didnt help.. :-)))) I hope we meet some day and can laugh bout this..! This will be my last post here... Take care all benching dudes and dudettes!
  8. Monstru doesnt like me.. :-( :-))))))) .., here it is.. I paid like 1000 euro for my cascade.., I did it with money I earned fixing broken computers.., (a lot of them...) LN cost bout 30l/100euro.., that would bring me 300L LN and okay.., I can do a lot of benching with 300L.., but when last drop is gone.., what do I have then.., Nada... Taking pride in my effort (only cascadebench).., well.., If You have a prob with that.., more the pitty... I would suggest a suitable "workout" for you to loosen up a bit.., but I guess I could get hammered for that.. :-)))
  9. :-).., I know that.., it just strike me a lil strange...
  10. I must agree.., never understood why a unit with 2 gpu´s ended up in singel card..??? A singel gpu is a singel gpu.., if the case holds more than one gpu its a multi gpu... It has to be that simple.., and it would be so much more fun actually..! :-))
  11. .., someone has to have these goodies first.., anything else is just not possible is it..? :-) But it hurts.., it hurts like hell.. :-))))
  12. Hehe.., hell no..,they dont even answer my mails.., :-))) jmke.., okay.., I repeat myself.., Vantage is exactly reflecting the real world.. :-).., ofcourse you have your opinion and we must not always agree.., :-) .., the only thing I rule is my own lil oc crib.. :-))).., but I try to share my findings with others.., maybe sometimes its usefull and brings a potential buyer to his final conclusion.., if its a gamer or a overclocker doesnt really matter... Moving forward is Vantage.., atleast we can agree on that..,and the satisfaction of beeing rewarded point for our efforts along with other results compared.., HWbot makes it possible to very fast get a overall picture in the humongous djungel of hardware.., that is very usefull and many with me are greatfull for that! Lets just add the benchmark... :-)
  13. Okay everyone.. Have to push this subject a bit.., Futuremark Vantage.., a brilliant benchmark for stressing hardware to the limit... The use of Vantage is getting more widespread and hardware rewievs often show results from a Vantage run at high resolutions... Gamers often complain about benchmarks saying its not "the real world".., but fact is that Vantage is exactly that... Vantage shows in minute detail what our hardware is capabel of.., gamers have tremendous help from this in choosing there hardware.., and without gamers, overclockers wouldnt have the access to these monster gpu´s/cpu´s available today... (one big happy family.. :-) So.., by adding Vantage to HWbot and.., adding boints for every preset everybody is a winner in this.., everyone can reflect on results from rewievs and results on Hwbot and all involved draws maximum gain from this situation... agree anyone..?
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