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  1. 5040 mhz right on XTU is your benchmark broken. This is not overclocked. Removed my limits with TS and this is what we have. Also set the fan setting in the registry to turbine cool, its loud, idc but it does perform solidly while I've got higher scores I think XTU bases some of the score on the settings and because I used throttlestop for the settings I need available it gave me a score 100 points lower. now if i use xtu for the powerpl1 and 2 settings my score goes up yet xtu did othing different. hope its not used in competitions.
  2. XTU thinks my settings are stock. isnt that lovely
  3. so this scores 1351 and less frequency and my previous scores 1352 and higher frequency but says that its only good but this scores excellent. not sure i have much confidence in intels XTU other than proving my temps are safe. far as overall performance its night and day the higher frequency at my end but it meant that i used throttle stop and not xtu. xtu cannot read throttlesop settings so it rates based thinking the settings are stock. this is a joke my point has been proven.
  4. 4360mhz at 96 and only 1360 benchmark. finding it interesting XTU recording a higher frequency than my max core ratio. this appears to happen when voltage is increased. I've seen over 5ghz in previous tunes.
  5. 1286 at 4.41ghz crazy speeds not overclocked. playin with alternative settings
  6. Was the bug issue why we wouldn’t necessarily see proper clock speeds displayed and modified voltages looking as if default? I know my 8300H Showed 5000 mhz clock speed when the turbo is capped at 4ghz and it cannot be overclocked. Thought that was odd but the benchmark appeared on par. XTU2 seems to work well overall but XTU can’t always read any of the settings I’ve made with throttle stop. Perhaps because its features are limited for H series processors.
  7. working on a customized version of my high performance tune and backing off some settings to to compare.
  8. This Benchmark is after running my laptop 18 hours straight working.
  9. Yes this is real. can i keep it this cool all the time probably not but its a solid tune i use all day long.
  10. a little thermal throttling happening yeti think i will resolve. happy overall with the new settings. using notebook fan app and added heatsinks to the heat tubing,
  11. been fiddling around more. I think it has more room yet. it performs outstanding as i ran this 15 hours today running dual monitors 16gb ram and gpu intense applications for work..
  12. did you book it and cook it? lol
  13. Is this flawed data? H series cant be overclocked? did you water cool it?
  14. Did this benchmark while the desktop was loaded with CPU intensive apps running. I am happy with the results. Id challenge any of those above me going for a high score to see one of these apps going if i didnt already compare them myself.
  15. Are your settings functional? The anonymous above us has a awful setting that wouldn't work for daily use. seeing if i can dial in a legit setting that beats his tainted win.
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