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Everything posted by OCPerformance

  1. that's right i agree with them.
  2. With the new Rev. the little overclocker und little teams are asskicked.
  3. With Rev.4 a lot of teams don't have fun to bench. Its a bad idea. I agree with the der8auer meaning A good Idea is a poll about this. Yes ------ No
  4. There is not a gold award why? The first one get 1,5 points and the second one 1 point why? http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_8400_gs_ddr2_pci_g98?tab=rankings#/manufacturer.rankings.do?applicationId=1&manufacturer=nvidia&hardwareTypeId=GPU_1575&hardwareType=GPU&tabid=gpubenchmarks There is no one with a better score. ?? http://hwbot.org/searchResults.do?direction=&applicationId=1&cpu=&numberOfProcessors=0&gpu=GeForce+8400+GS+DDR2+PCI+%28G98%29&numberOfVideocards=0&manufacturer=&chipset=&model=&memManufacturer=&memType=&memProduct=&minCpuFreq=&maxCpuFreq=&minGpuCoreFreq=&maxGpuCoreFreq=&minGpuMemFreq=&maxGpuMemFreq=&minMemFreq=&maxMemFreq=&countryId=0&teamId=0&userName=&minScore=&maxScore=&displayAdvanced=false&filterBlocked=&filterUser=&filterVerification=&imageAttached=&dateFrom=&dateUntil=&system=&minTotalPoints=&gpuId=1575&cpuId=0&chipsetId=0&modelId=0&manufacturerId=0&memManufacturerId=&memProductId=&memTypeId=&offset=0
  5. 2 Member of Xpert-oC-team don't have new Achievements, I don't have a permission for new calculating. After the update I've lost some Captain functions? I'm not a full Team captain?
  6. It is a normal Score with an QX9650 with 4,5Ghz you need a better CPU to Score higher. With a 7950 GT AGP I've got 60k. And i've got better RAm Timing on my card.
  7. An answer were friendly!!
  8. Short problem Can you (mods) erase this Post? http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?p=44018#post44018 How can i upload a pic of my OC rig to got an watercooling achievment? (i mean uploadds pic by old scores??
  9. Good idea. it is the better way. The work for benching are recompensed Hi guys please answer, no ignore.
  10. I know many people, who wants to stop with benching, because of new score system.
  11. New score system is really bad, sorry. Rev.2 are better. Vmods und boards an cards, a good cooling like (h2o,chiller, light compressorcooling), time has invested and then they get only 0.1 points, no way, the motivation like ZERO.
  12. Hello guy's I've got a problem with a obviously cheat score. 3Dmark03 with a 6800 Ultra AGP http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=899103 44333 Points Qx6700 @ 3200 Mhz + 6800 Ultra AGP @ 480/700 aren't possible The other guy's aren't stupid overclocker!! Second Place 169xx Points C2Q QX 9650 @ 3600 Mhz + 6800 Ultra AGP @ 460/600 Third Place 168xx Points C2D E 5200 @ 3200 MHz + 6800 Ultra AGP @ 470/625 Yes he can have more points like the second place (maximum 2000 points) , but NO 20000 Points more !! With ln2 or dice you don't have this results!! For examble I've got with this System ohnly 27k points @ 3Dmark03 27xxx Points C2Q QX 9650 @ 4500 Mhz + 7950GT AGP @ 663/700 It's the generation after the Geforce 6 Serie Please Help thanks Sorry for my bad english.
  13. Hello, short question? Why is in one category 2 or 3 Gold, Silver and Bronze Cups ? New points arrangement???? This category for example Link Gold for OCPerformance (Xpert-OC-Team) real Nummer 1 doublee (Guru3D) is Nummer 5 dark destroyer (DevHardware) is Nummer 6 Silver for Drazendead (JMax-Hardware) real Number 2 DoubleE (XtremeSystems) only Number 5 Vediovis (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) only Number 21 Bronze for PCGH_Carsten (PC Games Hardware) real Number 3 stealth (H.O.T. (Hellas O/C Team)) only Number 22 Got Double points DoubleE (XtremeSystems) doublee (Guru3D) Same Score und Hardware Processor: Athlon 64 4600+ X2 ... @ 2760mhz no image Videocard: GeForce 7800 GS @ 695/740mhz [#2 GeForce 7800 GS in 3Dmark 2006] Global Rank: not in top 1000, not ranked yet, or not the best result with this hardware of this user. Hardware Rank: 2nd GeForce 7800 GS - 3.4 points Description: 7800 GS+ @ 695/1480, X2 4600+ @ 2.76GHz, all on air, 3500LL pro 2.5-3-3-7, FSB 251 Verfication: link to forumpost screenshot Scan date: 08-08-2006 02:09
  14. And?? New AGP categories?? 7800GS 16/6 , 7800GS 20/7 , 7800GS 24/8
  15. And ?? Any decision yet?
  16. Short examble which show the difference easy. 3Dmark 2006 - 5777 marks - OCPerformance - (GeForce 7800 GS @ 575/726mhz) A64+ 4400+ @ 3,1Ghz => Gainward 7800GS+ GS (24Pipes8Shader) 3Dmark 2006 - 5354 marks - OCPerformance - (GeForce 7800 GS @ 700/750mhz) A64+ 3800+ @ 3,1Ghz => nVidia 7800GS (16Pipes6Shader) NO Chance. 3Dmark 2005 - 10004 marks - OCPerformance - (GeForce 7800 GS @ 575/726mhz) A64+ 4400+ @ 3,1Ghz => Gainward 7800GS+ GS (24Pipes8Shader) 3Dmark 2006 - 9519 marks - OCPerformance - (GeForce 7800 GS @ 700/750mhz) A64+ 3800+ @ 3,1Ghz => nVidia 7800GS (16Pipes6Shader) No Chance The systems are almost the same.
  17. The gainward 7800GS+ GS is GeForce 7900 GS AGP clear ? she has 512MB RAM und 24/8 All first scores in 7800 Categorie the normal 7800GS has 16/6 and can't unlock. For example gainward 7800GS+ GS and gainward/Geforce 7900GS has different names but are the same cards.
  18. Yes this is a really good idea. The performance class between this cards are really heavy, so its impossible to achieve with a Gs 16/6 Card a 24/8 Card Score.
  19. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=572852 http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/539/32m5tf7.jpg SuperPi -> 24min 0sec 910ms in the Pic you can see 24min 29sec 906 Please deactivate This score
  20. Why are my benches deactivated ? http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=697334 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=697338 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=697339
  21. Please delate this score its not possible. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=556347
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