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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. I am also looking for something good for 3d benchmarks such as Heaven and Firestrike. I already have a set of 2 x 4 Hynix that do CL10 12 12 26 1T at 2666 and a set of 2 x 8' that are good at CL9 11 11 26 1T at 2400. I'd imagine you have a few left to sell that would fit the bill. Any recommendations on what set and or sets I should purchase. I am looking to stock up on RAM and the others I've been looking at are the Patriot Sector5's, the Corsairs Dominator GT's and the G.Skill Tridents
  2. Just paid for #2, I've been looking for a set like these
  3. I would say that right now my card is a little better but only because of the mods...you are getting crazy good scores and I wasn't even sure I could break the 34 sec mark. I bet your card can hit 1750+ core under water. like I said the highest I got was 1721 last night and it was over I kept having to close gpu pi to open AfterBurner and lower my OC. Have you noticed any difference in scores when changing the priority of GpuPi to RealTime or High. Didn't seem to do much for me but messing with the batch and reduction did a little
  4. yeah I moddified the bios because the card was garbage when I got it. First It had that Boost problem and would crash immediatly on and legacy benchmark, Also if I had even a +50 core OCmemory could not be clocked above stock. So basically I had a card that could barely hit 1500mhz with stock clocks on the memory.I modded it to be more like the power band of the Zotac Extreme card and have higher voltage earlier. I also took the whole thing apart and cleaned all the slime off the memory chips and added a couple tiny heatsinks. I removed the power limit completely by covering the 2 shunt resistors by the 6 and 8 pin power connectors with Coollabratories Liquid Ultra.
  5. Not sure what imgur pic format will work but you moved up 148 spots in one day... http://imgur.com/KoHJ5Tm'>http://imgur.com/KoHJ5Tm <a href="http://imgur.com/KoHJ5Tm"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/KoHJ5Tm.png" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>
  6. Just got the drivers and I will try to figure out where to get opencl version. My card is fully maxed out at 1721mhz for gpu pi. I cant even run gpu-z render test without a driver crash. My memory can keep going but it helps little to none on this test. We should try to find time to steal the GpuPi-1B Gold as it seems we have some of the better 970s on HWBot, but #1's time is like 43 minutes. Thats a lot of abuse, but I might try at 1700mhz
  7. Hey Zonianos, thanks for the challenge I have not been in one before since I've really only started overclocking for the "MSI Beat the Fastest Comp". Good luck buddy I see that 36s375ms is the opening target. This seems like a good way to make each of us better, we should invite a few others? Your challenge your call See ya
  8. Just got an email from Karen Shen of the MSI Motherboard Marketing Dept. saying I won the lucky draw! Im so excited to finally have a Z97 board
  9. TY Pieter...now I can watch this in peace : )) HWBOT World Tour 2015 - North America LanETS overclockingtv is playing Overclocking
  10. [OC eSports.png](https://www.uploady.com/download/Vj80Zy5ZHtx/nWm6md20V1nHjewj)
  11. https://www.uploady.com/download/Vj80Zy5ZHtx/nWm6md20V1nHjewj
  12. Here is a screenshot from the other day.
  13. Why has my CPU frequency score changed. Under recent submissions and in HWBot.com it is giving me points for 5027.47 mhz when my score clearly is 5228.57 or 5229MHz. I had .7 Hardware points a few days ago for it now it is down to .1
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