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Everything posted by sotoss

  1. when the Lucky Draw winner will be announced ?
  2. and thats my last
  3. when i submit the file that the program produce processor appears as t2300 but is t2300e , here is the screen and i do also attach the file that hwbot prime maked http://www.filedropper.com/t2300e-bug
  4. almost there , another round
  5. i just post each round and make the data file when u able thanks
  6. here comes another round
  7. aham i see thanks a lot for your help now i know where to check
  8. the one was 4th in its category and the other 7th , so i guess it suppose to add Hardware Points (UHP) 0.8 + 0.4 like its stated in each post , no ?
  9. is there a problem in point calculations today ? ive made 2 sumissions http://hwbot.org/submission/2723605_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2723359_ but my hw points didnt rise from 75.80 went to 75.60 instead
  10. here comes my 3rd round but can you please post them for me
  11. thank you , can you please submit them for me cause i cant it request a data file and i dont have it cause i run the aquamark.exe and not the wrapper
  12. i had manage to save my 1st result (2nd file)so i took screen with cpuz and everest will you accept it this time ? you have my previous uploads to compare and see that they are the same stats either in bench either in pc settings i maked another bench too at the 2nd file (1st file)with diff oc settings to see the difference in stats 3rd is in progress with diff oc settings too
  13. for some reason my superpi submissions dont take point so i bother ya once again http://hwbot.org/submission/2722897_ thanks in advance
  14. is that a valid score ? actualy took me aproax 7h20min , according acheivement picture score should be less that 0,79 fps , is that correct ? and also since the program is full screen couldnt get score together with cpuz and gpuz together , actualy gpuz doesnt regognise gpu at all so i used everest
  15. ok thanks a lot , one more thing about that program , it stands also the time required to complete in the results ? cause im after the special achievement
  16. mm lil help how can i do that since im n00b will be appreciated thanks in advance
  17. im testing an epia-m c3/1ghz xp x86 pro sp3 that has s3g unichrome integraded and is impossible to run aquamark3 , i ve try all versions , is it incompatible gpu ? cause i see some submissions http://hwbot.org/benchmark/aquamark/rankings?hardwareTypeId=videocard_1867&cores=1#start=0#interval=20
  18. awesome thank you , is it also possible check 2 more issue i got from previous submissions , they haven't take hardware points http://hwbot.org/submission/2718607_ http://hwbot.org/submission/2717691_
  19. ehm can you please explain in more simple english since aint my mother language and i dont understand what you meant , thanks again
  20. any idea when approximately submission error will be fixed ? thanks in advance
  21. please add MSI 694T Pro to the list , im going to test my light speeding brand new pc thanks in advance
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