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Everything posted by M.Beier

  1. your room is as clean as hipros keyboard.
  2. Ney you keep breaking NDA!
  3. But I fit into luggage? Isnt a normal travel suitcase and 14hr flight an option?
  4. Paid first 3 years myself... Vendors can give you tickets, and press is free, but to be honest, if not being press, then just go as a private person and pay the fee.
  5. Wish I could, but, I doubt anyone will pay the expenses... As for computex, I can fit into luggage?
  6. Hmm, Michael and Andi, no chance that they will come?
  7. You can forget about that, OCTV CeBIT tradition is; Appointments -> Publish material -> Dinner and beer -> Sleep -> Have hard time getting up, someone (including myself a few times) grumpy untill we arrive at CeBIT -----> repeat. If making videos during beer, those are bound by NDA :-D
  8. hmm, I tend to get emotional when getting drunk.... And I still have your phone number!
  9. I am no legend, but I know Massman.... Will I be accepted then? :-D
  10. A beer is 33cl (38cl during a campaign here..) 50cl for normal in town, and 1L at CeBIT, so, my half a beer means 0.33L / 2 = 16.6 cl beer... Dont make me drink more, I'll just end up asking Christian Ney for marriage! NB; It is somehow light beer in München halle, your 5-10 liters isnt much of a problem, except having to piss all the time - the main problem is, price.... 10 liters of beer in there isnt exactly cheap. EDIT; George O/C You do NOT get drunk in Glenfiddich, that is for pure pleasure!
  11. haha, you cheeky bloke, watch out, or you'll have to be the one making me pass out from beer.(not happend at a hw event so far though, but Corsair party in 2010 wasnt far from..) Always a pleasure meeting AF guys! Admire the amazing teamspirit you guys have.
  12. ... Thinking about it I have actually not had a beer since... Early november! Buuut I think I'll manage haaaalf a beer!
  13. Doable without car... I lived such places first 2 years I attended CeBIT (3rd year I found a hotel last min), you just contact Reisecentrum near hbf, and they'll look it up for you, I had a simple request both years (less than 700m to nearest tram stop), wasnt really a problem^^
  14. I might be a party-breaker here, but I am certainly not attending any party if white pouder for nose is involved. But if no drugs, it does sound like a good plan.
  15. Xyala and myself will be 5-11 it seems^^
  16. Waiting for Mean_Machine to post "But he i Danish" Hope to see you in a month =]
  17. and if this happens and you actually save the first score,... you'll have a semi-aussie and a half-dutch guy barking at you about how much the score sucks...
  18. They do serve beer too, right? The milk is for Micutzu!
  19. 99% certain you can add Giampa
  20. haha, catch you for a beer, young man!
  21. Will Stoolman be there with you? :-)
  22. It is the internet - deal with it.
  23. Xyala is likely to join, it is being worked on Atleast he did some work on making a party in München halle possible... =)
  24. you booked room already, kk. Party planning in progress here. And yes; I am going too.
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