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    Russia, St.Petersburg


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  1. Nice boxes, Asus inside? =)
  2. The best way - the impact on the FM in terms of more information about the system.
  3. Ok. It may be to invent an alternative to FM validation? Fast and secure.
  4. FM validation is insufficient to easy check score and been protected from cheats, but it is a fastest way to save score, where it needed. p.s.sorry my poor english =(
  5. Do you think that the results of your team specifically blocked one of the moderators? Understand me correctly, don't properly designed and posted outcome raises questions. Many similar results from one team, with errors in design cause problems and misunderstandings. I think that blocking is caused by this, and I do not think it's worth a look for other causes. I can not say that the results were obtained from same pc-components. I believe in fair play. ____ sorry my english.
  6. Jmax_OC, details of the test are important for manual recalculation of formulas. This is a kind of cheat protection. This is important, almost as well as validation. The more you show, the fewer questions. If you do not want to make out the screenshots - use ORBlinks. I hurried to the words, i sorry for that, but I continue to believe that the rules common to all in spite of the status.
  7. For me. no details = no boints. It's true.
  8. I think that precedent should not be, in principle, and the results do not conform to the rules should be blocked. This will avoid any conflict, regardless of the degree of confidence. Sorry, i use google translator =(
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