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Everything posted by RickArter

  1. Great clocks how did you find out about this team youtube I guess?
  2. Great work I have the same case sucks for cooling but great for mods and area.
  3. Trying this clock speed for 24/7 stable.
  4. No condensation as of yet, although this is because I only add enough ice to drop temps to around 45-50c benching so its well above that level. I also drop room temps if I can about 5-10c to aid in cooling since my room ave about 80F year round. Going to do some testing soon and see if I can get temps really low with some insulation on the tubing and surrounding areas.
  5. Nice work want to see more more more!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Nice work keep the benches coming gonna get a team set up tomorrow will let ya know when its up and going.
  7. Corsair H50 custom modded by me. See my YT channel for videos and pics I am on version 4.0 with the best temps and efficiency so far.
  8. The pics are of my old set up much more refined now. Not sure how I did this she would boot at anything higher then 437mhz. Today it wouldn't take that at all with same settings. Then I lowered the multi and it booted fine so I knew it wasn't the board or a FSB wall. Finally cooled it down to reasonable temps for 1.5 v on 65nm chip and booted at 3.5 with validation here! Hopefully I can get a DICE pot on this combo and go for the top 25 or so rank for the E2140.
  9. Nice time and clocks trying to beat my best currently
  10. This would explain it thanks guys for your help.
  11. I have a BFG 7950GT OC Edition GDDR3 card and for some reason the driver wont let me overclock the 3D settings on high? It is grayed out but the other ones I can adjust haven't done any testing really since I figured it would be pointless. Stock clocks are 565/715 and I am using rivatuner and ATITOOL. I am using the 195.62 drivers since I here the newest are messed up not sure if that's true. Does anyone here have any experience with these cards and overclocking them and maybe a vmod? It has a modded stock cooler but maybe adding some chilled water cooling to it later. Temps stay in the mid 60s mostly so its fine, only thing is there is no real cooling for RAM sinks really just a fan. Thanks in advance! :celebration:
  12. Nice results!
  13. No its a card I got from a friend about a year ago just started testing since I recently got into this stuff. Not sure about the driver issue it seems it all works but I cant OC the high 3d or what ever its called. I am using the 195.62 think I should try another or reinstall it? It is a BFG 7950GT 512MB OC Edition btw.
  14. This was my first 03 run with this combo. I know it is old but that the cool part of OCing it doesn't matter what hardware you run you can still go for records in your category. My 7950GT is plagued with issues from drivers to physical. It is mildly OCed from BFG so that helps but driver wont show high 3d clocks in ATITOOL or rivatuner.
  15. sorry but think this is in wrong section buddy?
  16. Nice m8 2.00v wow she was a cooking!
  17. I used to have a combo similar except ran a e2180 at that time.
  18. Nice score a bit old I am gonna try and get top 50 with my 7950gt on air. Have a 2140 on H50 water cooling 3.31ghz currently testing 3.5ghz soon.
  19. Nice see we share same forum team!
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