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Everything posted by loonym

  1. It's not that big of a deal either way. Most are already over there anyway. We do need the 2 cooling class scores separate though to give the air/water folks (like me ) a chance.
  2. How come the rankings here aren't split into cooling classes? There are 2 classes of scores, air/water, and extreme cooling. The guys running standard cooling types aren't competing against the dice/ln2 guys. edit: One more thing, this has always been an XS competition. As Chris said, it's about much more than just who gets the best score. If someone can't be bothered to join the forum and thread there, I don't think they should be eligible.
  3. You're going to need to find a way to get to default res.
  4. I think it's physx not bugged.
  5. When manufacturer are on board it's always about the bottom line, no more, no less.
  6. It's because you got your global points with the 4870x2 runs RR. You aren't high enough with the 3870s to get HW points.
  7. Odd that the zip package says beta3 but the file version inside says beta1
  8. Nice case :woot:
  9. Here is another... http://service.futuremark.com/results/showSingleResult.action?resultId=9384546&resultType=6. What shall we put in the database? Single card? SLI? How should I list my ram? And gpu clocks, I'll just put whatever I like since after all it cannot be challenged because it's an orb link?
  10. Yes apparently it is. Just very little system info in that 01 ss I looked at in this particular case. edit: For instance http://service.futuremark.com/resultComparison.action?compareResultId=9396983&compareResultType=6 with only that orb link and no ss there is very little known about the system. The cpu is whatever he says along with ram and gpu speeds. Very hard to compare. But if only that link is needed for score then all can do likewise.
  11. Well jmke, that's part of the point I tried to make in my first post. I reported a few scores by this guy and they pass anyway. The answer I got to one report is 'ORB links are sufficient'. I have no idea if the scores are valid or not but I do know that the submissions are extremely sloppy and lacking information.
  12. I think you misunderstood. I'm not trying to rush, not at all. These results were reviewed and ok'd in error.
  13. I reported some of Ze do Bench's scores mostly because the submissions are all sub-par but also because they are quite sketchy as well. If it's true we can make submissions like this with no screens then I suppose I should gain a few more easy points. If I made submissions that looked that sloppy, not only would I feel bad, I'd expect to be laffed off every forum ever known A couple of them have since been moderated but omg how can scores and submissions like these pass? Here's one example http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=726152 Nice run? I can get that too if I run 1024x768 Maybe some of his other scores that passed could use more of a look too?
  14. Another example... good work guys
  15. So cpuz is not needed for 3d bench scores?
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