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  1. THX i will try this
  2. And no one thinks about giving every one the same chances to participate at HWBOT?
  3. Ok i try this. But there must be a better solution. What should all the other "team red" guis do?
  4. Can someone help me with my new Am4 System? My System: Ryzen 7 1800x Asus Crosshair VI Hero G.Skill Trident Z 1200Watt PSU and a bunch of GPU`s i wana bench First it all workt out perfect. Installing CPU, MOBO, RAM and all was no Problem. I installed Win 10 Home Premium, updated BIOS on the Crosshair to 5704, benchd some 2d Benches and uploadet them then i got 10 E-mails (one of your submissions has been blocked) Win 10 not allowed with AMD Ryzen I was pretty pissed. But ok thats the Rules. The next Day i tried installing Win 7. And its pretty much impossible. USB does not work on Win7 so Keyboard and mouse do not work. (i tried all USB 3.0 and 2.0 Ports) Asus Crosshair does not have any PS2 Port, so i installed Win 7 on a different System. and tried to boot with Ryzen. And what should i say... it doas Not work. I have seen the guide on anandtech How To Get Ryzen Working on Windows 7 x64 but it seems to be almost impossible to use the new AMD CPU`s on HWBOT (wich i have been waiting for Years) I think there are a Lot of Submissions wich have been blocked and i really think there must be an easier way for AMD user to be compatible on HWBOT. (btw sry 4 bad english)
  5. Why is kabylake ok and zen is not? The cpu officially only supports win 10. And now all my benches are deleted! Is there no way to make it work with win 10?
  6. Hi Great result with the FX-8370E Is there any Tweak in GPUPI? i can not get close to your Results, even with similar clocks Greetings Lio
  7. Is it allowed to use new polaris cards if they launch in the competition? I already had some submissions deleted when Fury x came out in the midle of a competition
  8. Is it allowed to submit with win10? I mean the cpu benches. In 3d it should not be a problem wright?
  9. Lio40

    add HD 4350

    Hi i have got a Problem. I got a new Card. Sapphire Radeon HD 4350, 256mb, DDR2, PCI-E GPU Clock: 600MHz Mem Clock: 300MHz GPU-Z calls it: ATI Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series I cant find a card like this. Could someone help me? https://imgur.com/li1qy9P - GPU-Z screenshot
  10. Could someone tell me the Rules of Div IV i can not see them on the website. (if i click at a stage it just says "((ROUND.NAME))") and so on.
  11. Hi me again, and most likely again not the right place. But i need youre help. I just scord an unbelivible score at 3dmark 03. Hd 5770. Faster than all the ln2 scores. There must be something wrong
  12. Thx a lot Danke vielmals für die superschnelle Antwort
  13. Sorry this might not be the right place, but my question is: is the score valid if i use beta driver? Wich 3dmark shows invalid?
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