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Everything posted by philbrown_23

  1. holy crap thats almost 5000mhz!
  2. I honestly think it should be added as a hwbot bench. the money arguement was made when they were contemplating vantage but put it to a vote a public poll, the money really dont much matter we want rankings FTW!!!!
  3. it would be nice not to loose all the good benches. it seems they are only killing the "free" benches the rest get tio stay
  4. so i was looking over my achievements page. and some of them arent taking affect. like the 1156 achievement get x amount of submissions with lga 1156 i have tons and it still says 0% complete. and the cups and ribbons says get 10 cups and ribbons i have 17 and it still says 2/10 completed. and there are a few more. i was just wondering if its a bug thats needs to be worked out or if its staff that have to activate achievements
  5. isnt that gpu unlocked to 470?? the 465 does not have 448 shaders like your screenshot says it does, so its either a gpu-z bug or unlocked.
  6. woops i must have uploaded tha wrong screenshot edit: feel free to delete
  7. what is the batch by the way??
  8. so anything newer than o7 i cant get to run with 1156 cpu's it just shuts down hardlocks. and all the newer sandra benches show results for alu in GIPS not the MIPS that is used to submite on here. this is frustrating
  9. the newer version 2010 shows the result in GIPS not MIPS like the older version, how would that translate??
  10. still nobody?? i see other people have submissions with newer versions whats the acceptable version now?? 2009??
  11. so I submitted a refclock submission of 221.45mhz which out did the 3rd place spot by almost 1mhz then an hour later it says my rank went from 3 to 4 and NO ON submitted ANY submissions, on the page ranking it still shows me as 3rd but on my profile it shows me as 4th WTF, I seriously tweaked hard and took me 2 days to get 221.45 on this setup to now for no reason get bumped out of 3rd place?? im a little unsure WTf has happened so please someone like massman help me out here. here is the link to the submitssion: http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1031763_ now the ranking: http://hwbot.org/rankings/benchmark/reference_clock/rankings?start=0&hardwareTypeId=MBMODEL_22437 where is the problem??
  12. hey man, any tips on getting over 215 bclck?? my system crashes when I load cpu-z at anything over 215. same board, but i7860
  13. so nobody knows anything out this or how to fix it?? I personally like sandra and have held cups for older cpus with sandra, and would like to do the same with my i7 BUT cant with the version hwbot requires to be used, i propose either use the updated version or stop using it all together
  14. wait a minute, isnt it in the rules that ES hardware isnt allowed to be in HWBOT rankings??? well says right in the screenshot they are ES cpu's yet he gets 5.7 points for wprime 32m 12X rank, and 2 points for 32m 2X Xeon rank, thats a little shiesty imo. I'ts odd this would be on the 1st page to, usually only WR are on the first page????
  15. yes sorry it wasnt working last night for me, now it is. Also I have another problem. I'm trying to make a team template signature that is a standard for my team but it just says "no template available" doesnt give me an option to create a team template. I can create one for myself as a user but not one that would be standard for any of my team members. is it supposed to be like that?? or am I doing something wrong?? I am the creator of the team btw.
  16. hi im trying to access my team profile to make sigs etc and I keep getting an error: missing parameter=team id this is when I click on my "tame profile link" and i cant edit anything or anything. team is rrtech benching team
  17. Hi sorry for the submissin with physx. i could have sworn I disabled it but obviously not now that I look. you may want to check my other ones with any geforce card just to be sure. since I have gone back to ati due to the nvidia drivers playing tricks on me
  18. ok so I edited the prefetch file thats the only other file other than wprime.exe in my isk at all and damn it it still wont let me change the username. this is frustrating
  19. this is exatly whats happening. Ive checked and havent seen any registry or temp wprime files ill keep digging
  20. no I cahnged my account username from one thing to another. BUT its wprime thats giving me the issues not hwbot. when you hit "submit scores" on wprime it gives you your username option and description option. the username is the same as my username was before changing it on hwbot. but for some reason I cannot delete it or change it to my new one at all. makes no sense.
  21. ok So on the hwbot main beching submission part (i.e. not the forums) I change my username to overclocking101 witch is my new handle BUT when I go to submit wprime it only will read my philbrown_23 for submitting I cant delete it and switch it to overclocking101 therefore I cannot submit any wprime scores any longer. can someone help with this?
  22. here it is: http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=905759the screenshot shows 3dmnark vantage not pcmark vantage and it shows it as the #1 for this cpu, something is not right
  23. ok thanks man! cant wait for this to really pick up!
  24. so nobody knows???
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