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Everything posted by Chiller

  1. i'm always chill, bloodpressure never goes higher then 2/4
  2. is not bad this benchmark. think that the results are good in order to what cpu and OC you use. Not much bugs in it or none at all.
  3. Benchmark settings is not a minor mistake i believe. (example : run benchmark on lower resolution or other settings, when benchmark finished, then hide benchmark settings before making screenshot with an other screen over it to get some more hw or global points with a higher score. For that just show benchmark settings) Maybe the Subscores not visible can be a minor mistake when the score is not suspicious. Difficult ? No i don't think so, so why keep discussing about it? Rules are there for a reason. Even to know that you check the BOX when you submit a score that you agree to the rules but even never take the time to read them! Hwbot Crew will check reported scores and check or block the scores in question when they are not suspicious. I told him that of the scores he reported of me, was something before his time on hwbot. now he knows and i understand, but just telling them that they read the rules before submission, so there screenshots are ok, and nobody has a reason to report them, and then there no problem. I had 1 score that Rsnubje reported, and he was right about it. Gpuz was not in the screenshot and therefore not posted by the rules , result : i deleted it. and i'm not making any fuzz about it, because he's right about that score, he need to see it to that when a score of him is not correct, it can get reported. That's it. have all greta benching times. chilly
  4. Do a Bsel mod on them, then you get higher multi.
  5. My girlfriend wipes my ass off with her soft hands, You should try it to, maybe you like it
  6. it's not about that. this is a small thing to let see you're benchmark settings, is stated in the rules and almost everybody post it like that. It's not that difficult. Even anti liasing change or so can give you some more points even if it's a little bit to get few places higher in hw ranking. it's just to keep it fair. those are the rules, just post by them, and when you submit score, you check the box : "agree with the terms and rules of Hwbot" so in one way you already agree to them, so submit by them
  7. MINOR mistakes, but Benchmark resolution i don't find that i minor mistake. I can bench all of my vga's at 800x600 resolution and pump the scores like that.
  8. those rules are for quite some time the same.
  9. Those rules are stated longer, it's not changed last weeks or months, You report 3 good ones because i reported all you're scores that where NOT by the rules. Future tip : just submit by the rules then nobody can report scores, otherwise you will act like this maybe again when somebody else report scores of you ? good day to you
  10. indeed on 2 statements, changed
  11. You're scores i reported where NO subscores or benchmark settings visible what is clearly stated in the rules of Hwbot. While on my scores you reported where screenshots and or validation checksum valid present ..... that's a big difference
  12. Are you kidding me ??? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/824306_chiller_pifast_celeron_lga775_346_43.64_sec Reported due lack of validation? Is Screenshot not enough then? You have to click on it and you will see that screenshot works and is included. Like it said, look first before you report. You reported 3 scores that are correct ??????????
  13. i will be back with benching when i have more time and budget for it
  14. i started with first use of OC in 1998 with a dual cpu socket single core cpu xeon with AGP X800. But then Hwbot didn't existed. Then i did some Bsel mods etc.... So that's 10years longer then you I still know that time you started with OC
  15. My time for OC will come back, i'm now for 2year pretty quiet with OC, other things on mind like moving etc... And when somebody doesn't do anything for almost 2years then can drop from 570points to 320, is normal. and did you look at the wprime scores of me ? Validation checksum, that's something of before you're time , and now you know when you see more wprime scores of other people with that green checksum code on tab "more". just submit by the rules have benching fun.
  16. if you think that, you're wrong. don't be sad, it's not ONLY OTH, if i see scores that are not by the rules, i report them. just submit them by the rules and there's nothing to report. If i report them, or somebody else, doesn't matter, rules are there to comply by, you get the box "i agree to the therms and rules of hwbot" when you submit a score. Reporting scores what is NOT by the rules, that's the point, not because you are you.
  17. If you report scores, be sure first that you have a reason of reporting. Few years ago Wprime was with online score submission directly to Hwbot, therefore Wprime gives a VALIDATION CHECKSUM on tab : MORE. Now this online submission directly to Hwbot doesn't work anymore. But you don't know that because you don't OC so long. so be sure that you report a score that's really wrong or not by the rules, just like you're scores WHERE NOT by the rules of Hwbot. And reacting like this while you don't submit by the rules and i reported you're scores without the BENCHMARK SETTINGS and SUBSCORES visible like the rules say, to report something back of me (even when they are correct), is childless... See the validation checksum ????? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/788976_chiller_wprime_32m_2x_xeon_x5482_5sec_80ms?tab=more http://hwbot.org/community/submission/788921_chiller_wprime_1024m_2x_xeon_x5472_3min_6sec_830ms?tab=more I invite you to check all my 989 scores on my profile if you find ANY that are NOT by the rules, but before you report, be sure about and KNOW the rules !!!
  18. keep going. You're the 5th place of OC Challenge April 2011
  19. keep going. You're the 5th place of OC Challenge April 2011
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