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Posts posted by Dancop

  1. Now I am serious!

    Thank you for your directness!


    But honestly spoken, I always thank the people who shared some things with me...look at my 32m, my heaven, my first good xtu!

    Then I found other things in xtu...and I shared it to people who asked.

    I understand your concerns very well!

    And if you let me, I will show you another Daniel. If not...ok.

    But I CARE your opinion!

    You and many many others are by far more experienced than me!

    And if I can...I will share future tweaks!

    I mean...ask roman...he knows everything I know...almost.


    Regarding my shizo behaviour...that's why many follower are not the follower of dancop.


    Let's make one deal...just if you want...if not, I'll change it anyway!

    In future, I'll only post results on dancop! Promised!


    Regarding figuring tweaks out...I find a lot in 3d01 and xtu.

    Furthermore I played 32m 3 months on air.

    All the new stuff, beginning from vantage I did myself.


    Sure I got hints, but not for all the benchmarks!

  2. I'd like to add something!

    I appreciate all the help I got. Vivi and splave...yes you are!!!! , are responsible for my 32m result.


    I never got so much mad pn and no more contact, since the last few weeks!


    I know I am a newcomer and I am not the best tweaker...but I learn...and honestly, without the community I would be nothing.

    let's keep up that good spirit. I share everything I know...


    regarding the position in rankings....if am there, cause my cpu does a great job, sure I know how to treat her!


    Furthermore...8pack is top for a reason!


    I stated some months ago....rankings are nice...but the by far best overclocker in germany is roman!


    Everybody that tried to keep a cpu within 3 degrees...knows, what roman is able to do. My window is around 5 degrees on 8 core and 4 degrees on 4 core.

    that's what knowledge is about.


    just my opinions!

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