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ASUS HD 5850 DirectCU II - volt mod assistance required! :)

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Guest TheMadDutchDude

Hey guys,


I've been trying to find this one on Google but there's no datasheet, or not that I can find anyway.


I've got images of the card but I'll only upload the (what I think) controller area.


Has anyone seen or modded this one before? If you need any other images, let me know and I will get them. I only have my S4 for pictures though so they might not be the greatest quality.


Thanks in advanced. :D



Guest TheMadDutchDude
Posted (edited)

Thank you, sir! :)


I will try to get this mod done later so that I can bench it on cold water later in the night.


Do you have the OVP mod handy by any chance?

Edited by TheMadDutchDude

did ya try the asus smart doctor?

should go high enough for water.i think with up 6208 should go to 1,40 volt or higher

same controller on 6950cu

plz with grain of salt would have to look into it

Posted (edited)

hd 5850 CU2 have same pcb design like HD5870 V2 ...

my friend Ramiro has configured the VID mod for HD5870 v2 to 1.4 -1.45v by default ..if you want more , can go with FB mod( 1.5 -1.6 will be enought resonable) or software ..smart doctor for exemple:D that is the easy way

vid mod is neccesary because you can go over ovp/ocp protection , if you want 1.45+ that is a must


here the mod: http://forum.lab501.ro/showpost.php?p=227301&postcount=173

Edited by nachtfalke
Guest TheMadDutchDude
Posted (edited)

I tried Smart Doctor and that only let me go up to 1.35 volts. It's a horrid bit of software as well. I'd rather just hard mod it. :)


I'll see how I get on without the OVP mod. I had an XFX at 1.6 volts and OVP never kicked in, but I guess that's just how it was configured.


Thanks again. I'll get to the modding later and then find out where I can go from there.


EDIT: I've just done some probing with the DMM, and most of the resistors in that area are reading between 10k and 19k. That seems high, doesn't it? 10k is believable, but 19k? :/

Edited by TheMadDutchDude
Guest TheMadDutchDude

I'm not having any luck finding out which one of the resistors is connected to the FB pin. :(


I've tried all of the close ones, including the pads. Is there an easier way to find out where it is connected? Haha.

Guest TheMadDutchDude
Posted (edited)

Just me being a noob. LOL. I was looking on the wrong side of the chip.


Soldered and working now. :)


Thank you so much for your help!! Time to test it out on air to see how it does.


EDIT: It does hit OVP very early on. ~1.32 - 1.35 volts.

Edited by TheMadDutchDude
Posted (edited)

that can be OCP ( over current protection) before OVP( over voltage protection) , but the pwm it have both, i think the OVP will trigger 1.38 -1.4v

OCP can be modded from pin 2 ( imax2) to GND with a resistor( see datasheet) , but like as said before will push then in OVP , so last chance is VID mod anyway:)

Edited by nachtfalke
Guest TheMadDutchDude

So if I do the VID mod, it would be at 1.4 volts and allow me to get to 1.55 - 1.6 volts before OVP or OCP kicks in again? :)


How does one perform the actual mod? Is it on the back of the card with those line of resistors such as in the link you provided above? If it is, how do you then figure out which is which? :)


Thanks for your help!

Posted (edited)

if you made VID mod don�t have that problem with ocp/ovp anymore , is ONLY way to pass over OVP , ocp can be modded via trimmer pot , but he offer 40-50mv before OVP trigger out..so need vid mod.

in fact OCP and OVP have almost same symptoms, both shut down the vga ..0 Volts , always OCP shutdown first and then OVP ( if you have allready the ocp modded before)


unfortunately i don�t have now hd 5850 DC2 ( my oldest DC2 is allready dead), but i know have same pcb design like hd 5870 V2 , fortunately i have here 2 pcs :D .i made for you a pic with back side were the ressisors for vid are located!

please compare with your card if they are identical


if i compare my card( no vid modded) with ramiro card ..he moved only resistor noted 2 ( moved down )and 3(moved up) .



PS: if you don�t have enought soldering skill , i don�t recommended soldering that area , can be dangerous for vga life

Edited by nachtfalke
Guest TheMadDutchDude

I thought it would have something to do with those resistors on the back! :D


I see what you mean now with the VID mod. It does seem a bit out of my league so maybe I'd best give this one some thought before I try, and end up murdering another 5850 without any results.


What if I just removed them entirely and fitted the pads with a variable resistor at the same ohm rating? Surely that would do the trick too? Just a thought. That would be far easier I think.

Posted (edited)

sure, you can remove resistor 2 and 3 , measured the resistance and soldering a variable resistor set at same value to specific place that in Ramiro pic.


it is another way to control voltage over ovp/ocp limit ( ask elmor )via I2C bus adress , if the mod above is a bit complicated for you :)


just hint a PM to elmor , i shaw eVC have support for uP6208.




Edited by nachtfalke
Guest TheMadDutchDude

Ooh that's interesting. I've seen that bit of kit before too! :D


I think I will try to solder a VR into place first with the right resistance and then see what happens. :)


Does it matter if it is a bit out, so not 100% spot on?

Posted (edited)

does matter..small difference , just give it a try and will see!, desolder the smd´s and then measure exacly the value!


the vid mod area from back side is exacly like in my pic , yes?

Edited by nachtfalke
Guest TheMadDutchDude

It looks identical, yeah.


I will give it a try later on and let you know. :)


is another pcb design , another gpu arhitecture ...the pwm can be scheduled from factory in another way , even you can set up to 1.5 via I2C buss adress with smart dc software i think will have also ocp/ovp problem.

the pwm is SHE ASP0907 ( uP6208 undercover- asus renamed the pwm ) is same like gtx580DC2...

Posted (edited)

ok danke nachtfalke,

thought if controller is same then it should work.

can i trust gpu-z ocp showing? for 6950 cu


thx in advance


sorry for hijack maddutch

Edited by basco
Guest TheMadDutchDude

No need to apologise, Basco. :) Any input is appreciated!


I can confirm that it only goes to 1.35 volts with Smart Doctor.


I've been out at a friends 21st tonight so I didn't get round to doing it and I have a 9 - 6 shift tomorrow. Perhaps I'll get a chance on Tuesday to do it. :)

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest TheMadDutchDude
Posted (edited)

Just to report back.


I finally got round to doing it and it is working beautifully. I removed both the resistors and replaced only the one with a VR and the other is not yet installed as the solder pad decided it didn't want to stay around.


The card now idles in Windows at 1.6 volts but I'm worried what that might rise to under load. I'm going to strap a better cooler to the card and then find out. I'm not too bothered if it dies on me in all honesty.


Thank you for all your help, Nacht!! :D

Edited by TheMadDutchDude

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