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UCbench 2011 score missing on mainboard page


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Todays I made a bench using UCbench 2011 on my MSI P55A-GD55 mainboard:



The MSI P55A-GD55 is correctly entered and one can see that the manboard type is properly recognized in the test.



However the submission does NOT show up on the MSI P55A-GD55 page!



See? Not one single UCbench 2011 score! WTF!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

(not again!)

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your score was likely removed because it is invalid..


*look at the password checked column and the time column... they should steadily increase from top to bottom... If you have a larger # somewhere in the middle of your result table, using the same SSE instruction set.. your score is a bug run.

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Well, there is no hint that the score is removed, so it should/have to be in the maninbord. Period.


As far, as the Pwds./sec go, they do steadily increase well w/o any exception.

The Pwds. checked and Time have a two slight differences:









...but as long, as there is no error, then why it should be a bug run? I could provide the log file from this run. Still it much more looks to me as the Cinebench FAILURE of HWbot I expericend there:




Same stuff. Good test and it does NOT show up in the mainboard page - Cinebench test:


(note correctly reported 30BB mainboard!)


...and it does NOT show up on the 30BB mainboard page tests:


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Hooray, it get fixed, thanks! UCbench score is now visible under the mainboard on what the test was made :) Hoooray!


Even the long, long awaited 30BB score (Cinebench) is there now, and 4th place, hmmm, not bad! :)

Thanks a lot for the fix! Hope never more these fails come...

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