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This just ran through my head.


It's been brought to my attention a couple of times now that HWBOT should set up a separate platform/(sub)forum for leading figures in the overclocking community. As main purpose, this subforum would allow these leading figures to debate on new features, suggestions, problems and so on.


In theory, this sounds like a very nice idea, but in practical terms: how would this change the working of the bot? We have a part of the forum (this subforum) that is dedicated to thinking about the future of HWBOT, but very rarely I see leading figures posting ideas on the big topics (eg: hardware sharing) in this part of the forum. How would that change with a invisible special subforum? I know some other forums have tried to set-up this kind of forum (eg: XIP on XtremeSystems), but the true value of that I'm missing a bit.


Perhaps ... a visible secure forum would be a better way as it would reduce the amount of badmouthing or finger-pointing for sure, but then it might also reduce the amount of valuable discussions as it sometimes happens that hard words must be said to move forward?


Any comments?


//edit: by leading figures I don't only mean the people everyone knows about, but mainly the community and team leaders.

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