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Contribute page wrong infos


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Guys, I checked the Contribute page and find out two errors there:



1) Local Representatives:

Aerou is not from Colombia, but from Czech republic (quite different region)


2) Site Translation:

Wizerty Translator (FR) is mentioned twice. I did not want to doubt his work, not at all, I just think that this is error and people should not be mentioned twice... ;)


All in all, great job! :nana: :celebration:

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You are welcome.


However... there is just small fix need in the same page, Community Advisory Board and Moderators section:


Strunkenbold location is "Strunkenbold", not Germany :) So, unless he declared own state (then the flag is probably wrong ;) ), then there is a slight error in his location. The stamp on the postage says "Germany" too... :)

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