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Bot support : How do you gain a green validation on wprime 1024 submissions??


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Ticket ID: 1259


Priority: Medium



Hi, I'm afraid I'm a little new around here and i'm not sure if i'm doing things right. Over that last few days i've submissed several wprime results (using the wprime automated submit, manual entry and editing after automated) and so far nothing i do gives me a valid entry on the 'more' tab. Currently my best score says N/A so does this mean these is no way for me to get a green valid or just there is no need for one as i've got an attached screenshot which acts as validation. I'm a little confused and i've read a few things on the rules and forum so far not being able to figure it out


Can you please advise??

Thanks - Dave

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yeah, the validation checksum doesn't work anymore, because the autosubmit shouldn't work as well. it has been deactivated long time ago.

i don't know why it still works...


as knopflerbruce said, just submit "normaly" without the automated submission function of wprime with a screenshot and it's ok. :)

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