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Suggestion; no#1 oc-crime priority


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Going to close thread before anyone gets the chance to respond, nananana...


rbuass is a good guy, he has established overclocking in an entire continent like nobody else have done in the time I've followed OC internationally, so, more than 7 years.... I respect the bloke, even if the in my opinion unlikely happens, that all those accusations that has been cast over the last 72 hrs...


For the sake of MOA, for the sake of Brazil overclocking.... For the sake of hwbot in generel.... Could staff PLEASE increase the priority of sorting out the accusations...? This is probably the biggest mess of the entire freaking year, and meanwhile, while this happens, I see lots of crew posting irrelevant binning results of Ivy... Cmon, clean MOA and rbuass, we all owe him credit for his amazing work.


Investigate the issue ASAP....


My 5 cents.

Edited by M.Beier
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